Ethanol Production by fermentation


Based on the textbook, Coulson & Richardson Volume 6(Chapter 6), the formulas are:

C = 150 000N (Q/s) ^0.30 if plant capacity< 60000 tonne/year

C = 170N (Q/s) ^0.675 if plant capacity >60000 tonne/year



 C = capital cost in pounds sterling

N = Number of functional units

Q = plant capacity, tonne per year

s = reactor conversion = X


First, find the plant capacity, Q to know which formula to use

Q = 200 kg/day

Q= 200 x 365 days x 0.001tonne

Q= 73 tonne/year


Since Q<60000 tonne/year, we use the C = 150 000N (Q/s) ^0.30 formula

Number of functional unit is assumed 1, due to we look into the reactor only.

C = 150 000(1) (73 /0.855)0.30

C= £ 569 505.97

C = £ 569 505.97 x RM 5.99

C= RM 3 411 340.76