"Landscape is an anonymous sculptural form always already fashioned by human agency,
never completed, and always being added to, and the relationship between people and it
is a constant dialectic and process of structuration: the landscape is both medium for and
outcome of action and previous histories of action."
Christopher Tilley (1994, 23.)
To photograph landscape is to give an opinion of it, that says as much about the photographer as it does the land. With this in mind, my work explores identities of place and of self with a view to discovering something about the nature of how the photograph functions within them and about the nature of the 'moment of experience' and the sense of belonging that results.
I am heavily influenced by the work of continental philosophers, Heidegger and Sartre in particular, and endeavour to incorporate their important thinking in my work. This serves to identify and develop my rationale as an artist whilst at the same time situates my practice within a framework that allows me to explore the nature of philosophical ideas in photography.
M.A. (dist) Photography, Nottingham Trent University, 2014.
Professional Certificate in Photography, Nottingham Trent University, 2012.
M.A. Film Studies, University of Nottingham, 2001.
B.A. (Hons) Philosophy, University of Essex, 1988.
"Quicken" joint exhibition with Mike Colechin, featuring photographs from "History Lessens", The Photo Parlour, Nottingham, July 2017.
FotoFilmic 2015 Travelling Exhibition Winner: Sous Les Étoiles Gallery, New York, Burrard Arts Foundation Vancouver, Space 22, Seoul.
EksVee (XV), NTU MA Photography pop-up show. Surface Gallery, Nottingham, Sept 2014.
FreeRange Graduate Exhibition, The Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, London, June 2014.
Professional Certificate Graduation show, Fine Art Space, Bonington building, NTU, June 2013.
Blotts Pit & Skylarks. Published by JW Editions, 2018. http://www.jweditions.co.uk/images/blotts-pit-tom-wilkinson/
Uniformannual (Google Landscapes) published by Uniform Books, 2017.
Uniformagazine No.6 Spring-Summer 2016 (Google Landscapes)
Of The Land And Us:
http://www.ofthelandandus.co/post/120519025361 (History Lessens)
Another Place Magazine:
http://anotherplacemag.tumblr.com/post/102616659632/nothing-remains-tom-wilkinson (Nothing Remains)
Kozu Essence:
Mull It Over:
Email: info@tomwilkinsonphotography.co.uk
Twitter: @tomwilkinson_
Tumblr: http://tomwilkinsonphotography.tumblr.com
©Tom Wilkinson 2018. Original Image Copyright remains the exclusive property of Tom Wilkinson, including the text elements. None of the content on this website is to be copied, reproduced, manipulated or used in any way without prior permission from the photographer. Any unauthorised downloads are not permitted.