Virginia Tech ASEE Student Chapter - President, 2014-2015

I have the honor of having been elected by my peers to serve as the President for the Virginia Tech ASEE Student Chapter. I was thrilled to be elected, because ASEE had always been such a great support structure for me as a graduate student interested in Engineering Education, and then as a first-year Engineering Education doctoral student. It is such a wonderful opportunity to be able to pay-it-forward to my peers and colleagues, and I hope as President to continue our chapter's legacy of support, encouragement, and community.


Engineering Studies - Reviewer, 2013

2014 ASEE Annual Conference - Reviewer (ERM & DEED Divisions)



Research Community

Student Ambassador  |  Kids Tech University  |  Research Community

All Rights for the images reserved to marfis75 photostream from flickr, if you keep them,please keep the credit.

Curriculum Vitae | Stephanie M. Kusano |