"I want to remind us all that this process of unlearning language and culture that has been and is being used to limit, erase or violate each other and learning new terms that people have forged in direct response to the violence that they have experienced should be joyous. We are learning new ways to affirm and celebrate each other. We are creating more space for individuals to name themselves, we are creating bonds of solidarity, we are resisting a society that tells us our directives must come from ‘above’, from ‘far away’ or because that is what ‘they’ say, when in fact language and culture is created now, here and in our hands."

- Kim Crosby


Here are some resources and links that will be posted throughout the year for further reading, learning and unlearning.




© UOSWE 2014. 




Club's tabling was a success! Thank you everyone for dropping by! 

Interested in chatting with us? Find us on Facebook , Twitter , or email us! 


UOSWE founded in 2011 is a student organization on campus that focuses on leading a discussion on campus as well as raising awareness the various ways in which women can work towards empowering themselves and their community.