By Dua

Very well aware of the critical love life problems that today's generation faces, we have opened up our solutions including Get Your Love Back by Dua. By our dua, we are aiming at bringing back the estranged lover or partner within few days. This service also guarantees to keep the lover under his/her control. Our Followers and experts carry out Ibadat & Mahafil Darood Shareef, haven in order to provide a reliable solution to the clients. During the process, we also abide by all the ethical norms of the society.

If you love your partner more every day, then it is definite that you are keen to get him/her back in your life. DUA have the power to achieve anything and provide anything to the wearer. Your intense will for your love makes the DUA so strong and results immediately. If anyone successfully performs the DUA then he / she can have total control over the soul of the target , and can get love back in his / her life again . The power of DUA will so surely helps you.

By Ibadat

Whilst making a train journey from Hull to Nottingham, I had the interesting experience of being surrounded by a gang of rowdy English football fans going to watch a big match. As I was sitting alone in a pair of seats, one of them naturally plonked himself down next to me. We made no personal contact, since I was wearing my black gown and white hijab, and this was a big beefy Englishman with no interest whatsoever in what I represented. So, we did not talk, but I was obliged to suffer the effects of this chap – the whole carriage reeked of alcohol from the moment they got in, and because they were drunk they kept up a very loud conversation the entire journey, forcing everyone else in the carriage to listen to them and not be able to talk much themselves. Furthermore, nearly every other word used was a foul expression, full of filth and sexual inuendo, and revealed a highly abusive attitude towards the unfortunate women who knew them.

On the return journey, I was very pleased to see that there were no similar men around – and I was moreover in for a very pleasant surprise. The carriage it was pretty full, and I stood for a moment looking round. Sitting to my left was a young Asian gentleman, who looked up at me and instantly said: ‘Will you please take my seat, Sister?’ I was delighted, and thanked him very much, and off he went never to be seen by me again.

Now, why have I bothered to tell you all this in such detail? The reason is because it gives you an example of ibadah, and how it works in practice, and how it becomes dawah!

My ibadah was in wearing hijab on a public train; apart from the football hooligans, I also met an elderly couple, and the lady spent quite some time asking me about Islam and discussing various issues. A bit later on, another Grandma found the courage to have a go at the yobs and asked them to mind their language as there were children and decent people present.


The Asian young man’s ibadah was to offer me his seat, an act of much appreciated politeness. He didn’t have to do that – I could have found another place; but he had a noble Muslim attitude towards me, his Sister, and acted on it. I can assure you, I have said many du’as on behalf of that young man, and how I hope he goes on to become a noble Muslim husband, and father to the next generation.

Ibadah has a sort of ‘double meaning’ in Islam. It comes from the word ‘abd’, which means a slave or servant. It is used in this way in many Muslim names, especially the one all Muslims can claim as their own if they wish – Abd-Allah, or ‘servant of Allah’. (Incidentally, I do find it irritating when people think Abdul is a name; it isn’t – it means ‘servant of the’. There has to be another name to follow the word ‘the’ or ‘al’/ ‘ul’ in Arabic, and for a Muslim this has to be one of the Beautiful Names of Allah. So, you could be Abdul Rauf, or Abdul Karim; but you shouldn’t be Abdul Muttalib or even Abdul Muhammad!)

Of course, when Muslims are asked to think about being servants of Allah they naturally think first about such things as prayer, and the other compulsory duties of Islam. These are the things about which Allah made His wishes known clearly in the Qur’an, and a Muslim does not regard them as a burden but a something to do out of love.

Love is a strange thing. Here’s a ‘girlie’ example. If you had to iron a pile of white shirts or qameeses, you might feel pretty fed up about it. However, if you dearly loved the person who wore those shirts, you might volunteer to iron them for him, not because you liked the job but simply because you loved him.

When people really love Allah, nothing is too much trouble, especially not prayer – because it is during those moments when we can feel really close to Him. In actual fact, we are not any closer to Him during salah than at any other times, for He is always with us, and His angels surround us and watch over all the things we do, or are tempted to do, or decide not to do. Some people call them our guardian angels, but they are not exactly guardians in the sense many people think. For example, if you were about to rush out into the road without looking, the angel would not put a giant hand in front of the bus, or lift it up in the air, or pull you out of harm’s way (unless Allah specifically ordered it to do so). The sad news is – if you ran out in front of a bus, you would probably be squashed! The one thing the angel might do is to put the thought into your head before it was too late, that you should not rush into the road without looking. Then, if you listened to that thought, you would have been guarded – but not otherwise.

You have one thing the angel does not have – Freewill. The angel has no freewill. It can only act as God wills it to do. This has consequences. You can choose to ignore a warning, and you can do stupid and even evil things, and God will not stop you. The only exception is if He wills to stop you – but on the whole there is no miraculous intervention to save people from disasters. That’s obvious, when you think about it. If God was going to save anyone from pain and hurt, He would certainly have saved His dear Messenger (pbuh), but we all know how much the Messenger (pbuh) suffered and went through painful experiences. He was not saved from being wounded in battle. He was not saved from illness, or death. And neither will you be.

However, the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) had a fully developed sense of ibadah. He did not waste his time complaining, or wondering why he had to go through all his trials and tribulations. He just got on with his life, determined not to hate people in return, or be nasty or spiteful in return. His whole life was a wonderful example of love and compassion and gentleness. Nothing that was done against him affected his noble character. Even when he had to act against aggressive evil, he fully understood Allah’s command that Muslims should only defend until the hostilities ceased, then they should lay down their own arms and forgive, and not take revenge or remain bitter. So hard to do – but he did it. Think of the famous case of that terrible woman Hind, who hated Hamzah so much for killing her father and brothers that she paid for his killing and chewed at his liver. Did you know she became the Prophet’s (PBUH) mother-in-law, and later a Muslim, and not only ended up the mother of the fifth Caliph, but even took arms once more on the battlefield – this time as a Muslim woman warrior! How wonderful – yet nobody would have blamed the Prophet (PBUH) if he had ordered her to be put to death.

Ibadah, serving Allah, does not always come easy. Those who think that it does have probably been lucky, in that they may not have had to face too much in the way of sufferings and oppression. You may have had an easy time up to now, if you are only young. Be warned, nobody gets through a whole life without tests and trials – no-one! On the other hand, you may have had a rotten time up to now, and suffered a lot. Be consoled, nobody suffers forever. If you are having it tough now, insh’Allah, things will get better for you. Concentrate on how you can be of service to Allah and others, and how you can give happiness and help to others, and you will be amazed at how it brings happiness and help to you.

Going back to salah, it is certainly true that when we pray these times is very special to Allah. Even if a person is not really concentrating, and is just perhaps muttering phrases without a great deal of thought or feeling, Allah is still pleased that they are taking the trouble to go through the motions, and rewards it as an act of merit. However, if a person is really using that precious salah time to really feel close to Allah, the reward is a hundredfold.

It’s not just the words and the actions. In our prayer, we take time to remember Allah’s greatness, and the wonder of His created universe and our place in it, and to think about how amazing it is that we even exist, or survive. I was reading one of Harun Yahya’s books recently, in which he pointed out that the earth is a bit like an apple, and we live on the layer of it that is equivalent to the skin. The ‘apple’ inside the skin of our earth is actually a fiery furnace of molten lava. Suddenly, our managing to exist here seems just that bit more wonderful. We could be snuffed out in a second.

Another thing – scientists often claim through statistics that there must be lots of worlds and planets ‘out there’ with life on them, perhaps life similar to our own. It’s a comforting thought, but supposing they are wrong? There is not one shred of evidence. We could actually be the only rock in space with life on it; and when you think about space, you realize how any life from this planet would be wiped out in a flash ‘out there’ without very special conditions indeed. Then the next question has to be ‘then how did life get here?’ and ‘what keeps it going?’ Thoughts like these lead to humility, and praise.

Ibadah also includes asking Allah humbly to forgive us for all the wrong things we have done, or the things we ought to have done but we did not do. It means we have to be aware that we have faults, and aware of the effects we have on people. A criminal, it is said, has no real conscience about the hurt he or she causes. The more ‘human’ a person is, the stronger their conscience.

Ibadah also includes making our own special requests to Allah, to help us and those whom we love, especially those in pain or difficulties. This does not, of course, mean that we know better than Allah about what is going on, or that we are in some way more merciful than Allah, or need to explain to Him what He ought to do. Allah knows everything. He knows long before it becomes obvious to anyone else when a person is becoming ill. He knows all about your suffering when someone you love dies. Some people foolishly get angry with God for letting people become ill, or die, and some even give up believing in Him – yet it is those very moments when they need Him most.

It is foolish to think that if you love someone enough, or pray hard enough, they will not die. Remember, Allah knows from the moment that loved one was first conceived in the womb exactly how many breaths they would take. Your prayer should rather be for compassion and understanding, and for the ability to work out what you should be doing to help in each situation. Instead of: ‘Oh our dear Allah, my mother has cancer and I think she’s going to die. Please, please spare her from this and make her better’ – it would be better if we could pray: ‘Oh our dear Allah, my mother has cancer and You know whether or not she is going to die or recover. Please help me to stand by her, and ease her fears and sufferings as much as I can; and if it is Your will that she leaves us, then help me to be strong and to look after those she leaves behind. And bless her, and help her through those moments, and give her the faith to know that leaving us is simply to pass through a door into another of Your realms, and if You will, that she will be much closer to You, and that we will meet again by the Pool.’ Do you see what I mean?

A Muslim’s ibadah accepts that which Allah wills, and makes the best of every situation.

And, as I said to start with, our ibadah is not just our prayers and our fasting and zakah and hajj, but the first ‘pillar’ is bearing witness, what we call shahadah.

Everything we do out of love for Allah, because we are Muslim (or submitted to Allah) is ibadah, and it bears witness that we are Muslim. Like that young man giving me his seat on the train. He did that because he loved Allah. It bore witness to his Islam. Just a simple little thing like that.


What about you, as you go about life in your home, at school, on the streets? How do you show that you love Allah, that you are a Muslim and submitted to Him? Remember that actions always shout louder than words. A person may say ‘I love you’ a million times, but if they ignore you, and are rude, and don’t notice when you are exhausted, you may find it rather hard to believe that they love you. A person may say he or she is a Muslim, and justify it because they pray five times a day and fast in Ramadan – but they might forget (or not even know) that the real ibadah of Ramadan is in keeping a month of awareness of the presence of Allah and His angels. Really being aware. Taqwa means realizing that Allah sees you, even if you cannot see Him.

You are alone in a room during Ramadan with a piece of tempting chocolate. What would it hurt to eat it? No-one would know. Oh yes they would, my friend. Alternatively, you could be really trying hard to keep the fast, and without thinking someone offers you a chocolate and before you know it you have popped it into your mouth and down it goes. Bang goes you’re fast. Oh no it doesn’t my friend. If your intention was right (your niyyah) then your fast was not broken by this accident. You are forgiven. Allah sees and knows everything every act, and most important, every intention. So, open your hearts and learn what it is that Allah really wants for you – a noble and decent life, full of love and compassion, setting the best example for others.

So what if you pray five times per day? If your heart is hard, and you are unkind and selfish and rude, do you think Allah is pleased with your prayers? Aishah recorded that the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) taught clearly that some people prayed all night and fasted all day, but all they gained was sleeplessness and hunger. So what if you wear full hijab, covering even your face? If your heart is hard, and you are spiteful and proud and jealous, do you think Allah is pleased with your clothing? So what if you have a beard, and never look at a female? If your heart is hard, and you do not help or protect or support women, or you use abusive language about non-Muslim women or non-believers generally, do you think Allah is pleased with your hairy face?

Ibadah in Islam starts with the heart. Not with the prayers, for they may not be genuine; not with the clothes, for they may only be a disguise; not with the brain – for some of us have very little in that department, but that is not our fault. And not with fear – for people who serve Allah out of fear does not really know Him or love Him. Sometimes this word is used in translations, and people take it for granted – but it is the wrong word. When we say ‘fear Allah’, what we mean is ‘have reverence for Him’, or ‘stand in awe of Him’. True Muslims do not need to fear Allah at all, for they have accepted Him in their hearts and love Him, and know that they are doing their best in their lives to please Him, and will one day be welcomed by Him and receive their reward. They do not imagine for one moment that Allah will consign them to Hellfire because they made a mistake, or did something foolish or even wrong. They know Allah forgives sins the size of earth, so long as the asking for forgiveness is genuine.

By Iilm :



We have been able to attain a commendable position in this domain by offering reliable and client centric solution regarding Muslim astrology Back By Prayer. Our astrologers have in-depth knowledge about the love life that the current generation faces a lot. They help such people who have lost their love to someone else. With their prayers bolstered by chants and mantras, they have assisted their love to get back into their live.