


I  have a lot to be grateful for.



   Best friends are not something you can just find any day. Over the last couple years i have realized just how lucky i am to have a best friend let alone plural. Lots of people don't have a best friend so you guys will always be special... and you are defiantly special...



   My family is all around just awesome. Super supportive and always there for me. Im really lucky to have them, thats why i took a picture of my dog. He is some what of a symbol for my family, because he's always getting attention. "Thanks for calling and seeing how the dog is Mom I'm great too." 



    This summer i made a huge decision to quit hockey. In hopes of escaping my eternal doom of being a couch potatoe, i turned to rowing. I have never met such a kind, friendly, caring group of people. Everybody is so genuine and that was a breathe of fresh air from high school and hockey. 


Never again will i sound so clishe


Photography 10