Mission Statement

Our mission is to approach the media world in a positive way, by uplifting influential people and stories. Providing them with a platform to reach the masses.

What is Comic Sauce?

Comic Sauce is a laxed media platform staterted in March of 2014, that provides coverage of celebrity gossip, entertainment news, and a dash or world news and current events.



Get to know, the CEO!

Comic Sauce is currently owned and primarily run by Tearra Arrington. Tearra Arrington is an aspiring publicist with expertise in social media marketing and has an educational background in Business Administration and Marketing.


The Underground Sauce helps to showcase underground talent through out ALL GENRES of music. Readers have the access to discovering these artists via social media accounts and any other platform that the artist may be using. Interested in being feaured send social media links and press kit to Comic.Sauce3414@gmail.com