

I have over seven years of experience in commercial and print modeling, and two on the runway.


I am truly passionate about creating soulful pictures that are just as expressive on paper as I am in person. Modeling is an art form I love deeply and put my whole heart into. I couldn't be happier, being so involved in the fashion side of the industry now as well. I am an ageless, hardworking, creatively blank canvas. No matter the project, I would be thrilled to work with you.



"Without wonder and insight, acting is just a trade. With it, it becomes creation." -Bette Davis


I have been in the acting circuit for more than 20 years - since the beginning of my time. Most of my experience has been in musicals/on stage, but I have also worked in music videos, and on film. Acting to me is not a pretense; it is not fake or forced - I simply elaborate on the personality I've decided to assume, day to day. A role will consume me, and it will create me. It is true, and it is always from the heart. Please contact one of my agents (by location) with all audition details.



"The universe goes on forever. Music will go on forever. I won't be around... but I will matter." -Anon.


I sing in high hopes that others will join me. To me, it's not about having the loudest belt, or a cd full of A-list pop songs that have no deeper meaning... Music is love. And if my love can change just one other life for the better, I will feel perfectly fulfilled. I am currently working on a contemporary spiritual album, but I hope you will consider me for ANY recording work, music videos, theater roles, etc. I am always happy to collaborate.



"If I could tell you what it meant, there would be no point dancing it." - Isadora Duncan


Dance is pure soul. I dance when I'm excited; I dance when I am angry. I dance because I have to - because it's within me. I absolutely adore theater projects that allow me to act, sing and dance all in one role. I have been dancing in groups, teams and productions for over twelve years. I adore modern choreographed routines... I'm also a fast learner. I would love to prove that to you, in your next show or music video!

special thanks...


To God, and to my friends, family, and fans. I couldn't do this without you. Thank you - I love you guys!


To my Mom, Dad, bonus-mom, sister, all of my aunts uncles cousins grandparents and friends... You all put up with so much! There is always someone there to support me when I need it, and for that I can't thank you enough.


To Tim & Crystal Harris... You have inspired me through both your work in photography - and your faith in "real life." You have such a beautiful marriage and family. Thank you for pulling me up to your level, in every way.



That must be your married name...


Yes, it is! I am not Latina. My maiden name was O'Shea.


I was born and raised in New England, then ventured out into the world making these dreams a reality. I couldn't be more thankful for the experience I gained while traveling, and while working out of Music City USA! I am now based back out of Boston, but still love to travel for work whenever I can.



Shannon Ruth Gomez