Being Prepared


Adopting a values-based approach to digital inclusion.


Awards and spent a few days and some late nights meeting rap, R&B and kuduro superstars from across Africa: names like Banky W, Fally Ipupa, Daddy Owen, Cabo Snoop and Radio & Weasel, from Angola to Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo and beyond, all huge stars in their own countries, selling truckloads of records despite rampant piracy and a rickety music industry. These guys are kind of the Jay Zs and Snoops of Africa, basically.



We never really talk about 'who we are'.

                                                                                                          Digital identity is at the forefront of discussions about online safety, but we don't really have a full understanding of the nature of digital identity and how to manage it.                                                                                                                                   ‘Identity’, put simply, is the perception and expression we have of ourselves. Influenced by cultural contexts and social interactions, it is generally agreed that identity is perceived differently in different contexts.

                                                                                                                Online identity is about how we present ourselves to others online, and how we perceive ourselves through our online interactions.                                                                                                             


Reference box - where to find information quoted


Belk, R. W. (2013). Extended self in a digital world. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(3), 477-500. [online] Available at:


Besley, T. (2011). Digitized Youth: Constructing identities in the creative knowledge economy. Annals Of Spiru Haret University, Journalism Studies, 12(1), 9-22.Available at:


de Kerckhove, D., & de Almeida, C. M. (2013).What is a digital persona?. Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research , 11(3), 277-287

Cullen (2009) Culture, identity and information privacy in the age of digital government.  Online Information Review, 33(3), 405-421.


Gradinaru, C. (2013). From Multitude to Convergence: Contemporary Trends in the Study of Online Identity. Argumentum: Journal the Seminar Of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory & Rhetoric, 11(2), 95-108.


Kimmons, R. (2014). Social Networking Sites, Literacy, and the Authentic Identity Problem. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 58(2), 93-98.


Lannin, D. G., & Scott, N. A. (2013). Social networking ethics: Developing best practices for the new small world. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 44(3), 135-141.


Ollier - Malaterre, A., Rothbard, N. P., & BERG, J. M. (2013). When worlds collide in cyberspace:How Boundary work in online social networks impacts professional relationships. Academy Of Management Review, 38(4), 645-669.


Suke, C. (2009). College Male Students' Cultural Value Identity in the New Media World. China Media Research, 5(4), 41-46.