Building Trades is designed to develop student’s skills within the construction trades and equip them to enter the workforce. Skills USA club membership is required. Students will investigate, learn and implement construction methods on shop and work-site projects including knowledge of building materials, advanced construction methods, carpentry, electrical and plumbing skills and methodology as defined in the Virginia Competency-Based Task/Competency List 8515 - 8517. Students can acquire OSHA 10 & 30 Certification as well as NCCER certificates in Core Safety, Carpentry and Construction technology. A majority of class will be spent on projects.


Class Description

All Rights for the images reserved to marfis75 photostream from flickr, if you keep them,please keep the credit.

ACHS Building Trades

Mr. Prior

Amherst County High School

139 Lancer Lane

Amherst, VA 24521