The difference beweent Hardcore and Standard in Path of Exile


What is the difference between the expert mode and the normal mode? Don't tell me what is going on and what you know when you die.
Excuse me, experts will be in the property? skill? equipment? Items dropped? Season rewards? Is this different from ordinary?
By the way. This is actually a point I hesitate if I die in expert mode. Fall to normal mode. I am going to continue playing? Still creating an expert role?
This is actually the reason why I have to figure out the difference. There is always an expert who is dead, and it’s boring to fall. I feel that the game experience will be different.
I will respond in time, and I hope that we will examine them carefully and answer them carefully. Thank you.


Answer: The characters in Path of Exile themselves are no different. The number and rarity of item drop in the expert server is increased, but the bonus is not high. The international service only has a 10% rarity of 5%. The official service of the Taiwan service and the TX service has not been announced or announced. I don't know.
The season is similar to the concept of a big version of the game. The current season's expert server is similar to the experience of other games. There are new versions of the game, there are also activities unique to this server, and the ordinary server is the old version of the game last season. Therefore, ordinary and expert players can't see each other, and they can't invite teams.
In addition, the warehouse and the hiding place are common to all the roles in the server, that is, the data of your warehouse and hiding place in the general and expert servers. This means that if your expert role dies on a normal server, you don't have access to the repository and hideouts in the expert server.