Full Divergent | Watch Movie Online 2014


Watch Divergent Online


The setting is the distant future. A war has ravished the world. Society has been split into five factions. Erudite for the intelligent. Candor for the honest. Abnegation for the selfless. Amity for the peaceful, and Dauntless for the brave. Each work together to sustain a fragile society, and make for one hell of a book. Actually, it’s a trilogy, but we’ll just focus on the first installment. It just makes it easier. For all of us.


I remember picking up “Divergent” by Veronica Roth in 2011, when it still wore a hard cover, thinking the fiery emblem on the front looked “tight.” It was stiff; the spine whining as I opened the front cover. I fell in love with “Divergent” the moment I hit back cover. The gutsy heroine, Beatrice Prior’s life made mine look like a blank sheet of white paper in comparison, and Tobias Eaton, the male protagonist, tickled my fancy and betrayed my trust by making me believe men can actually be that perfect. Watch Divergent Online

I’m trying to decide whether to preface the book before or after I praise the movie. I think I’ll preface.


Preface: Beatrice Prior was born into Abnegation and a selfless family. Never allowed to look in the mirror for more than a few seconds, the Abnegation prize being giving and kind. When all children of each faction turn 16, they are expected to attend a ceremony where they are to choose the faction they wish to devote themselves to. SPOILER ALERT! Beatrice chooses Dauntless, a surprise to the reader and her parents (aw). There, she changes her name to Tris, and struggles, bleeds and bruises during the initiation process of becoming Dauntless/brave. Oh, and she meets a boy—a handsome (sexy) boy. Then there’s a fight, Katniss, I mean Tris rebels, and people die.


When the movie was announced, you can imagine my joy. Probably not, but pretend you do. When the casting came out, however, I was not amused. Shailene Woodley would play Tris. The same goes for Theo James cast as Tobias Eaton. He looked way too old. Tobias, in the book, is 18. Theo James is (pause for tension) 29 years old. That’s one year away from 30. He just didn’t look like Tobias had looked in my head. That doesn’t make him any less hot, however.

Boy, was I wrong about them.


Shailene Woodley was a perfect Tris, and Theo James was an even more perfect Tobias. I must say, Woodley tackled her role with fervor. When Tris’ mother dies from a gunshot wound, Woodley had the whole audience crying along with her as she yelled at their attacking pursuers to just “Stop! Stop!”


In the book, Tobias at first comes across as unapproachable and troubled, until he recognizes the potential (da booty) in Tris. Theo James captures the dark mystery of Tobias so eloquently that I could have been convinced the character was based off of him. The writers didn’t overemphasize the romance too much, either. It was just enough to keep us wanting more. Tris and Tobias only kissed once. Once. Should we talk about his shirtless scene? No, we probably shouldn’t. Watch Divergent Online


I sincerely thought this would be another bad movie adaptation with a low budget and tight deadline, a let’s-just-get-this-on-the-big-screen-and-see-what-happens kind of movie. Not only was the fighting perfectly choreographed (the actors obviously worked their butts off perfecting their jabs and uppercuts), but also the dystopian world looked perfect. The setting is in Chicago, but the city has been run down over the years. Weird fan generator things adorn the buildings, and a fence outlines the perimeter of the city to keep out “the monsters.”


I suppose I should mention Kate Winslet. She was great. What’s new?


Walking out of that theatre, I could not believe the perfection that was that movie. Every single actor nailed their character, and every single scene paralleled the book. I’m really trying to think of something I didn’t like, but nothing comes to mind. I don’t believe I’ve ever been so satisfied with a movie adaptation.


This is a gamble, but I have to say that “Divergent” could very well be the next “Hunger Games.” Watch Divergent Online