The Coffee House

The Coffee House is considered by Mr. and Mrs. Felps & Friends ,"The home base for all local musicians, singers  and songwriters. It's a place to practice and share your music, as well learn from seasoned musicians, singers and songwriters.

It's has such a wonderful family oriented atmosphere and everyone is so supportive. Even the owner and staff are like family. You can say, they are all One big happy tribe. The Jams are amazing and the wide range of artists, genres, personalities and life backgrounds, makes "The coffee House" unlike any other coffee shop.

Mr. and Mrs. Felps performed at the open mic with many other of their musician friends. They invited anyone who wanted to to come and join in to come and jam with them. Every week a new sound was added to their already eclectic sound which they called "Soulful Folk".
This led to an album and The uniting of Mr. and Mrs. Felps and Friends.

It was best said by Mike, "They got married, started singing, one person joined and then another and another. " Now they are 8 people strong and that's just talking about the band itself. If you count the countless others who have come to answer the call to


let's just say Mr. and Mrs. Felps and The Village should be their new name.


All rights reserved to Mr. and Mrs. Felps