MK Photography


Mia as a student has been working on creating her style. She was born and raised in Houston, TX . Right now she enjoys shooting things that can allude to fashion photography and is making a series where the theme revolves around eliminating parts of the body and making people wonder how the image was taken. Her art doesn't stop there though it continues and is projected in other ways.





All Rights for the images reserved to Miqueala Hernandez, if you keep them,please keep the credit.

If you have the time and would like a little inspiration, Please watch the video above! This is a commencement speech by David Foster Wallace.

Mia Katelynn





I'm Mia, a high school senior pursuing photography in and outside of the classroom. My goal is to make it to the big leagues in photography and make a name for myself. This is my website featuring my work. I was given the great advice from the book "Steal like an Artist" that when trying to find your creativity "do good work and share it", number 6 on his 10 things nobody told you about being creative.