Whether you have an established business or a new venture, finding the right attorney is essential. At Smith & Associates, we understand the challenges you face. We offer counsel that will allow you to focus on your business and advance your business goals.


We provide counsel which is timely and effective. Clients count on us for a powerful, expert approach to meeting the challenges of their business. The services we offer in our 5 Virginia Based offices include:


Acquisitions and mergers
Corporate formations
Joint venture agreements
Corporate filings
Operating and partnership agreements
Drafting and negotiating contracts and agreements
Obtaining business and professional licenses
Employment law compliance
Protection of intellectual property


Our firm has advised on many of the most important transactions to take place in Virginia in recent years, in a wide variety of business sectors.

The members of our firm also represent some of the most active domestic and foreign private equity investors investing in Virginia, both on the structure of their investment activities as well as on individual transactions.

In addition, we represent a significant number of French companies conducting business in Virginia, including corporate branches and local subsidiaries. At Simth & Associates, we advise leading Virginia companies in connection with corporate governance issues and on the implementation of new standards and rules enacted by regulators.









All Rights for the images reserved to craig Cloutier photostream from flickr, if you keep them,please keep the credit.


Phone: 1-999-SmithCo


Our main office is on

55 West Street, Suite 2650, Arlington, VA 

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