Thank you


Where do I start to express my gratitude on this journey of becoming a writer?

How about the voices in my head? Or my team? My family? The readers?

Well, I'm afraid to say it's all of the above. Without those voices there would be no characters.

Bloody hell that would mean no Juan or Noah.

There would be no Amy my editor, or Tammy my proof reader.

There certainly would be no Anna, Kay, Heather, Karla, Liz, Lisa, Diane, Terri, Kathy, Nadine and Monica who are my betas.

Or my sexy sinners. And last but not least there would be no readers to read the stories that I have created.

Oh damn! I forgot my family well, they are stuck with me so they get no say in the matter.

Also, I forgot to add Kellie my cover designer and Adrian, who created this website for me.

Ok, I think I have everyone now, forgive me if I have left anyone out.

I'm about to release my fifth book and without any of the backup you all give me, I wouldn't be writing this post now.

This journey has had its ups and downs, I have even wanted to quit at times, but you all keep me going.

I treasure each and every one of you and enjoy your friendships.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


2015 All content is copyright to author Sammie J, all reproduction of content is prohibited without prior consent