FR4 vs. Aluminum PCB applying in automobile lights

Price Comparison
In the price comparison, the Aluminum PCB is extra pricey compared to FR4, as well as more exceptional in efficiency.
Thermally Conductivity Comparison

Light weight aluminum PCB has a fantastic ability of thermally conductivity compared to FR4 that makes them play a crucial duty on LED lighting technology.

Innovation Practices

  • The thermal conductivity dielectric product of Aluminum PCB is a thermal bridge that links the components and metal plate. It could transfer warmth to the heat sink with the core instantly.
  • An Aluminum backed PCB is put together with aluminum support, highly thermally conductive dielectric layer and typical circuit layer.

The circuit layer is a thin PCB bonding to the light weight aluminum backing. As for FR4 PCB, it takes normal machining methods: exploration, routing, v-scoring, countersink counterbore. So it requires an extra warmth sink to conduct warmth in from the circuit layer. Or it will a prospective damaging hotspots.