Here are the changelogs for all versions. Top one is the latest.




 It's behavior: It keeps the previous gravity you were in before, you can see on it's graphics.

 It also replaces the coin bug, which has been fixed

 Currently in beta testing

-Removed the Unity splash screen

-Coin flicker fixed! It's now a dark color instead

-Smiley and gravity blocks now have proper shadow handling

-Shadows are now lighter

-Some menu alignments have been changed

 -Added a little shop menu placeholder


 -Physics is now more accurate, and slightly different handling on gravity

 -Placing blocks while dragging a block from the selector is no longer possible

 -You can now place blocks on flying players

-Serverside fixes

 -Guest world getting stuck at 1 members when you leave fixed

 -Fixed player in top left

 -Also includes not being able to use "register" or "testlogin" from within the game; use it in lobby instead

-Added some comic sans



-Added shadows!!

-Fixed moving out of bounds

-Fixed blocks not appearing when you join

-Fixed placing blocks on players

-Fixed syncing with the coin bug



-Added coins!!

-Added a new block selector - drag and drop style now

-Member World is now 50x50

-A few buttons added to menu


 -Fixed copy and pasting in chat

 -Fixed "hacker" message on Android

 -Fixed the physics bug.

 -Fixed smiley bar appearing open

 -Fixed something else



-Added a world border block!! Currently staff only.

-First release on Android

-High quality smiley textures, and a little test of the accessory system

-Added a lobby server so we can have faster logins and view player count.

 -Lobby remembers your last login now; this is based on user accounts on the system

-Added godmode!! Currently staff only.

-Added name colors!!

-Chat fixes, and names are bold now

-Added the most useless block ever: Down Arrow!!!!!! Just $50... jk it's free

-You are now always on front

-Physics changes and bug fixes

-Gui changes

-Added some messages to "add"

-Some serverside changes



-Fixed all bunch of glitches

-Added a smiley selector rather than click to change



-Added chat

 -Commands for staff only

-Some values added to players

-Added gravity blocks

-Physics changes

-Glitched version...



-Attempt to fix lagged collision glitch where you appear on the bottom

-Changed smiley textures

-Fixed SamplePlayer bug

-Configurable keys; also WASD now works



-Graphics changes

-Added 8 new blocks!

-Added 3 new smileys! (1 for staff only)

-Added a registration system!



-Added block bar

-Anticheat stuff

-Physics changes

-You can now edit border



-First released build; with multiplayer and a main menu