Guidelines for Manuscript Submission




Authors should submit only papers that have been carefully proof read and polished. Before submission please make sure that your paper is prepared using the journal paper template . This will ensure fast processing and publication. Acceptance or rejection notification will be sent to all authors.

Submitted papers MUST be written in English, not exceeding 10 double-column pages APJASME format.

Manuscripts should be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript to email. Submissions by anyone other than one of the authors will not be accepted. The submitting author takes responsibility for the paper during submission and peer review.


Submission of article : We are currently focusing on publishing original research works, review papers, short communications only, authors may submit the articles only to

-The reviewers' recommendations determine whether a paper will be accepted / accepted subject to change / subject to resubmission with significant changes / rejected.

-It will take 1-2 months to review a paper.

For papers which require changes, the same reviewers will be used to ensure that the quality of the revised paper is acceptable.

All papers are refereed, and the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to refuse any typescript, whether on invitation or otherwise, and to make suggestions and/or modifications before publication.

Submission checklist

You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Please check the relevant section in this Guide for Authors for more details.


Ensure that the following items are present:


One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details:
• E-mail address
• Full postal address

All necessary files have been uploaded:
• Include keywords
• All figures (include relevant captions)
• All tables (including titles, description, footnotes)
• Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided
• Indicate clearly if color should be used for any figures in print


Submission for Review:


Unpublished papers and extended versions of papers presented at conferences may be submitted for possible publication (extended version should not exceed 20% of similarity respect to the original version). Responsibility for the content of a paper lays on the Authors and not on the Editors or the Publisher. Surveys or tutorial papers are particularly welcome.

Articles submitted to the Review should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Authors who submit articles for publication have to warrant that their work does not infringe any existing copyright and they have to indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty.

The submitting author is responsible for obtaining agreement of all coauthors as well as any sponsors' required consent before submitting a paper. We strongly discourages courtesy authorship.

Authors are obliged to cite relevant prior work and they should consider the following points:

1) Technical papers submitted for publication must advance the state of knowledge and must cite relevant prior work.
2) The length of a submitted paper should suit its importance, or it should be appropriate to the complexity of the work.
3) Authors must convince both peer reviewers and the editors about the scientific and technical merit of a paper; knowing that, the standards of proof are higher when extraordinary or unexpected results are reported.
4) As any scientific progress requires replication, papers submitted for publication must provide sufficient information to allow readers to perform similar experiments or calculations and as well as to use the reported results. Although not everything is needed to be disclosed, a paper must contain new, useable, and fully described information.

5) Unintelligible English is a valid reason for rejection.


Guidelines for Authors


·         Research paper should be Full Length - Maximum of 08 pages-A/4 size.

·       Manuscript should be same as journal template. All the matter should be typed in Times New Roman Font size - 10 point.


·         Papers should have the following sections:


1.  Title of the paper (Times New Roman Font size - 14 point)

2. Name of the author(s) with initials and the name and address of the institution and email.

3. Abstracts:  An abstract of 200 to 400 words in Italics that sketches the purpose of the study, basic procedures; main findings its novelty; discussions and the principal conclusions, should not contain any undefined abbreviations or references.

4. Key words: Provide 4 to 7 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes. Keywords should not repeat the words of the manuscript title or contain abbreviations and shall be written in alphabetical order as separated by semicolon. Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter through the text.

5. Text: The paper must contain preferably Introduction, Methods and Material, Results and Discussion and Conclusion Acknowledgement:including information on grants received, before the references, in a separate section.


Tables: Charts and Tables should be in MS Excel or MS Word and images in JPG format using maximum possible high resolution and should be numbered sequentially as they appear, i.e. Table 1, Table 2, etc.


Figures: Figures should be numbered sequentially as they appear, i.e. Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., and a caption should appear directly below each figure.

Mathematical Equations: Authors may create their mathematical equations by using equation editor.


Spectra: IR and NMR Spectra should be submitted in the JPEG or GIF format.

Statistical Analysis is to be done if necessary. Environmental data without statistical analysis cannot be accepted.


6. Cover letter: While submitting the manuscript the corresponding author ( on behalf of all the authors) should declare that the manuscript is original and is not published or communicated for publication elsewhere either in part or full. Without the declaration the manuscripts are not considered for their publication.


7. References: References must be typed in the following order: Surname and initials followed by title of the article, name of journal in abbreviated form in Italics (name of book in normal), volume no., page no. and publication year in Bold in bracket, e.g.


1. Yadav R.M., Sharma D.M., Hussy S. and Verma K.G., Synthesis antimalarial drug   and their QSAR Study, Int. J.  Res. Chem. Environ., 3(1), 48 (2000).

2. Kalsi G.S., Applications of Nanotechnology in Chemistry, Academic Press, New York, 251 (1985).


8. Citations must be numbered consecutively in square brackets [1]. The list of references should be arranged in the order of citation in text, not in alphabetical order. Reference to journal articles [1], textbooks [2], papers in conference proceedings [3], chapters in books [4], technical reports [5] and theses [6], should provide sufficient information as in the samples.


9.   No changes in, or additions to, the accepted manuscript will be allowed. Proof reading is solely the authors responsibility.


10.  A completed Copyright Form must be filled for each accepted manuscript and that should be duly signed, scanned and sent by Registered Post to the Editor.


Review articles should include the extensive data collections with illustrative tables and diagrams. It describes recent advances in chemical and Environmental sciences. Authors should include abstract for the review articles also.


Short communications are the one that should present new important findings in a brief form.

Manuscript Processing Charges


There is no charges for the processing of paper but author(s) of each accepted paper is required to pay the publication charges Rs. 750 (For Indian Authors) and US $ 100 for Foreign Authors for maximum 3 authors after three author’s you have to pay per author charges (500 Rs. Per author for Indian authors and $ 20 to Foreign Authors). Before the accepted paper is published we will intimate the fees in the acceptance letter.


Important Notes for Authors


If we found the manuscript which you send to us to review is just a copy of other person manuscript we will ask you to do the payment, and then we will reject your manuscript. We don't refund the amount under any circumstances. So don't waste our time and your money sending this kind of manuscript.


Disclaimer : No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. The respective individual author(s) are responsible for the facts and views expressed in their articles.



For more information, contact us at:



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Pictures by Juan_Alvaro photostream Taken from flickr, under creative common. If you keep any of these pictures in your final website, please keep this credit too, thanks



Call for Papers - 2017



Authors are cordially invited to submit papers to the upcoming edition Volume, June 2017 Edition. Best paper will be published free            to 


Asia Pacific Journal of Antennas, Signal Processing And Microelectronics Engineering.



The manuscript/ paper can be submitted via email to


Important Notes for Authors


If we found the manuscript which you send to us to review is just a copy of other person manuscript we will ask you to do the payment, and then we will reject your manuscript. We don't refund the amount under any circumstances. So don't waste our time and your money sending this kind of manuscript.





Asia Pacific Society of Engineering


Highly Prestigious Peer-Reviewed Society