"Vengeance is mine"
Hana lead the assault against the Japanese government
Together with her Russian husband
Russian Mafia as Shizexzu's backup


let it rain Bullets."

Hana's aunt Celia, the first cousin of her mother in American side.
The current Halton CEO. The culprit behind her mother's death.

After years of studying business from Japan to abroad, She is finally ready to take back what was rightfully hers, Her mother's legacy,

The Halton Properties.

Tattooed with  the same

Shizexzu Dragon as her father and brother’s back,

Hana legitimately became the

Yakuza Princess.

Her Father's Dragon Tatoo
Her Brother's Dragon Tatoo

However, with Japan's economy depending on her deceased mother's real estate and business, Some of the government officials and general sided on the current President of the Board and owner of the Halton Properties. Her Aunt Celia, Her mother's American cousin whom Hana's father strongly believed to be the one who set up her mother's death, was the Halton President and CEO.

"My father swore no revenge but

I didn't"

"I came back to take back what's mine. Vengeance is mine"

Hana lead the rebellion against the Japanese government with the intent to overthrow the Halton current board of directors. However, the communist country came to a decision with less blood shed as they overrule to take assault to the court as 'Halton vs Hana Shizexzu'. As the lawful and true heir, Hana effortlessly won the legal battle vanishing her mother’s killer back to America and to never step on Japan ever again. Hana could have captured her Aunt to be tortured or even murdered to hell but the thought of her mother's will made her the change of heart that controlling and owning her mother's 

very own inherited wealth, business and properties was vengeance enough.


Walking on the line between light and darkness, good and bad, tamed and the wild.

Hana is an angel with a demon's yakuza blood running through her veins as a daughter, sister and lover.

[[ Open for Roleplay Discussion, Plot Twist and Change of Story to adapt to your character. ]]

Elliquiy Role Play Forums | Halton and Shizexzu | 619