How To Play Offensively Like A Pro In NBA 2K16
The NBA series of video games is a fan favourite amongst both video game and NBA fans, and the latest iteration in the series is no exception. (go to cheap NBA 2k mt) However, NBA 2K16 has been criticised for inaccessibility, especially when it comes to playing offensively.
With that in mind, we’ve put together a guide as to how you can play offensively like a pro in NBA 2K16. With our guide, you’ll go from beginner to pro in no time.
Look at your player’s feet for a more accurate shot
Shooting accurately can be a little difficult, especially for beginners in NBA 2K16. It may not sound like the obvious answer, but looking at your player’s feet is actually an incredibly good idea when it comes to shooting. Doing so will allow you to focus more on the shot meter and get a much more accurate shot.
Looking at your player’s feet isn’t always a guaranteed way to sink every shot, but it is a fantastic tip for new players to improve their shooting game.
Pay attention to your camera angle
As with many video games, the camera angle is something that can frequently be ignored. It’s easy to leave your camera angle on the default setting and just play like that. However, doing so will put yourself in a major disadvantage, especially when playing online.
With that in mind, spend some time experimenting with the different camera angle options that the game has to offer. Choosing the right camera angle really depends on the player and everyone will have their personal preference. That being said, we can recommend “2K” as a great camera angle for beginners. A couple of great options to turn on in the camera angle settings are “auto flip” and “fix height”.
Choosing the right camera angle is a different story for every player, but just make sure you don’t ignore its importance and you’ll do just fine.
Use your team’s strengths to your advantage
In NBA 2K16, it’s easy to just play in one particular style no matter what team you’re playing with. However, doing so could mean that you’re ignoring your team’s strengths.
One of our top tips is to study your team’s strengths and use them to your advantage. The stats for each player can easily be accessed and you’ll notice that each player has a particular strength or set of strengths. If you keep these in mind whilst playing, you’ll find that your offensive game grows dramatically.
Practice with just one player on the court
If you’re new to NBA (go to buy NBA 2k coins ) 2K16 and just getting to grips with offense, it can be pretty overwhelming to play with all of your characters on the course. With that in mind, make sure you make use of the game’s practice mode. From here you’ll be able to practice with just one player on the course and focus all of your attention on that player.
In conclusion, these tips are only the start when it comes to improving your offensive game. Just stick with it and you’ll be a pro NBA 2K16 player in no time.


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