Chiang Mai
Hospitality House
This hospitality house has been given to accomodate all Christian as well as Christian workers and volunteers Located close to our YWAM Chiang Mai National Office, in World Club Land, our newest housing complex comes equipped with all the amenities to make your stay as comfortable as possible! We have several types of rooms available.
Dorm Rooms – These rooms come equipped with air conditioners, bunk beds, and WIFI internet access while the bathrooms are western style with hot showers. The suggested charge is 150 baht per person, per night.
Private Room – The private room is perfect for visiting speakers, leaders, couples etc and comes equipped with air conditioning, WIFI internet access etc. The private room costs 300 baht per night.
Eveybody will also have open access to the kitchen, dining room and conference area!
Prices listed for the HOSPITALITY HOUSE are for 12 years old and up. Children between the ages of infant–11 years old pay 100 baht per night. When staying at the HOSPITALITY HOUSE you will need to refrain from illegal drug use, smoking, alcohol consumption and sexual contact (if not married). No pets allowed.
The Hospitality House
Chiang Mai
" For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes." - Romans 1:16