London Massage


Best massage from London





Eroticism and sensuality times 2

Among our many special massage offers, the most requested one is the erotic couples massage London one. More and more of our clients ask for this type of therapy. It isn’t just because the sight of your significant other being pleased is such a turn on – it is also because these therapies can strengthen a weakened relationship.


We live in a fast world, a world in which we don’t really have time for ourselves. So usually those involved in a relationship meet with each other in the morning, during breakfast (and these are the lucky few ones), or in the evening, just in time for going to bed. The stress during the day simply cuts off any desire. And, without the physical element, a relationship cannot endure. Add to these the usual social meetings (with friends, relatives, and so on) and a couple won’t find any time for themselves.


Coming to our London erotic massage Ely parlour will be the best thing for you and your better half. It will be as if stepping into a sanctuary, where nothing of the modern world can enter. All the connections with the outside world will be cut off and the focus will be only on yourselves. The masseuses will be the beautiful maidens who will serve you and who will attend to every desires that you have.

Thus, both of you can begin your special massage session in the perfect manner – with a nice conversation with your therapists, over a glass of red wine. Then, you can continue with a nice soapy massage, which will lift all the barriers, in our more than spacious hot and bubbly bathtubs. Besides reconnecting with your significant other, this will be the perfect chance to explore diversity – and also the perfect chance for your masseuses to find out what actually bring both of you the most pleasure.


Then, after catching a glimpse of all the pleasures that will follow, you will be both led to thespecial massage room, where the actual therapy will happen. Depending on your special request, the therapy will take place either on two separate massage tables, either on a large and comfortable air mattress.Usually with the couples visiting us, the latter choice is almost always made.

Your couples erotic massage London session will begin with a nice and romantic tantric session, during which both of you will learn that the best and most intense pleasures come with patience. The masseuses will explore every inch of your bodies and their passion will become yours. After switching places, the masseuses will continue with an amazing sensual nuru session, during which their bodies will be pressed onto yours until no difference between them will be made. Feel free to make your special requests throughout the entire massage session – while our beauties know everything about the human body, they are more than eager to discovering newer things.


The grand finale will bring the most intense orgasmic pleasure, with a lingam massage for the gentleman and a yoni massage for the lady – these are special massage techniques during which the masseuses will focus only on your intimate areas. The intense pleasure will simply make you shut down and just relax – and what can be more beautiful than reaching the deepest state of relaxation at the side and at the same time with your lover?

Come and have a couples erotic massage London session with any of our beautiful and talented masseuses. Your first visit will be an unforgettable one and will always call for another and another, as often as possible.

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