Online Safety Tips




"iKeepSafe Blog." 10 Rules for Safe and Respectable Online Behavior (from 7th Graders) — iKeepSafe. Ikeepsafe, n.d. Web. 26 October 2014.….


"Net Smartz Workshop" Safety Tips. n.p., n.d. Web. 26 October 2014.



Anything you post on the Internet will be there forever.  Any one can see what you post.  Your parents, friends, and strangers have access to whatever you post.  Your post could be copied and posted everywhere.  What you thought was was okay to post could be seen by a college administrator or a future employer.  What you post today could not only be embarassing in the future, but could stop you from getting into college or getting a job.




Be Anonymous


Do not post any information that would enable strangers to find you.  This includes last names name of your school town or places you visit regularly. Your personal information makes you more likely to be a victim.   Never share any personal information about any one else.


Don't be a Cyberbully!!!


Just Don't Do It!


Treat everyone the way you want to be treated.  

Ask for Permission


Before you post information, photos, or videos of someone else for permission.  Ask before you tag photos. 

Mr. Viereck


Take control and create an online presence you would be proud of.  Your positive presence could help you get into the college of your choice or get the job of your dreams.

Create a Positive Online Reputation

Think Before You Post

Be Careful of Meeting

or Sharing


It is very easy to hide your identity online.  You never know who you are talking to or why they want to meet.  Don't share personal information it could get you in trouble.