

Hotel Universo,
nella notte Transluminosa

curated by Valentina Lacinio

collective exhibition
Palazzo Michiel, Venice
vernissage 18th march 2015, 6.30 pm.
19th march – 29th march 2015



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All Rights for the image reserved to Alex photostream from flickr, if you keep them,please keep the credit.



nella notte Transluminosa





Il primo aggettivo che userei per descrivere la notte è "spessa".

P. Rigolo




Info: hoteluniversoexhibition@gmail.com

Curator: Valentina Lacinio


Palazzo Michiel,

Strada Nuova - 4391 Campo Santi Apostoli, 30124 Venezia, Italy

(250m from Rialto Bridge, on Canal Grande)



graphic designer | Stefano Mudu

communication | Giulia Toccafondi
editing | Francesca Rumiato
web & events | Claudio Piscopo
logistic | Giulia Sofi
promo & funding | Valentina Furian







As if they were guests in the same hotel, different artists are invited to search the night sky from their own bedroom windows. 

In the firmament that we observe at night , the stars shine brightly, surrounded by a thick darkness. The darkness that we see in the sky is something that, according to scientists, demands an explanation. In an expanding universe, the most remote galaxies move away from us at a speed so great that their l ight is never able to reach us. To perceive, in the darkness of the present, this light that st rives to reach us but can not-this is what it means to be contemporary. 
The contemporary is he who firmly holds his gaze on his own time so as to perceive not its light, but rather its darkness

From posing one of the great cosmological questions, the exhibition Hotel Universo, in the Transluminous darkness endeavors to question the very concepts of darkness, within the luminous night. Concepts like the unknown, or partially known, lucid dreams, foreseeing the future or clairvoyance, are used to take us on an exploration to make us reflect on the role of the artist, as a visionary that designs lenses that allow us to see the world, using the "entanglement method". There where the eye cannot see, the so called " blind spot ", where the retina does not hold light receptors, is where art acts as a compass, guiding us on the side-path to ordinary knowledge. 

1 G. Agamben, What is the Contemporary?, in What is an Apparatus?, Stanford University press, 2009


download press-release [ita/eng version]

Franko B
Senza titolo, 2013 tassidermia, vernice dorata
Filippo Berta
Allumettes #2, 2013 video HD, 5' 17''
Ludovico Bomben
Pala 9 / Serie dei Bianchi / Rovesciata1, 2015 corian, foglia oro 24 karati
Roberta Busechian
TeXtMessAgeGlow, 2015 inchiostro su carta, stampa su carta, arduino e display LCD, traccia audio
Corinne Mazzol
Lo Spettro di Fortificazione, 2015 bastone telescopico per selfie, plastica specchiante, pelle, ciniglia, unghie finte
Simone Pellegrini
Aoristo, 2015 tecnica mista su carta
Fabrizio Perghem
21.01.15 / 18.30 / marghera, 2015 performance audio
Mustafa Sabbagh
Senza titolo, 2014 fotografie
Serena Vestrucci
Notte in bianco, 2015 (dettaglio) stampa fotografica in bianco e nero, canottiera, cornice
Simone Rondelet
La farmacia di Platone (Omaggio a Jacques Derrida), 2014 cornice laccata, velluto nero, ampolle 4 mg
Miriam Secco
Erlebnis, 2015 voce, performance
Caterina Rossato
MIND MAPS N.8, A-B, 2015 penna, pennarelli colorati su carta 200g
Edoardo Aruta
Polena, 2015 bronzo, terra refrattaria
Leonardo Mastromauro
L’ombra del nero è più nera del nero, 2014 terra, zinco, stampe fotografiche
Alberto Scodro
Ciupin Ara, 2014 resina epox, terra
Fabio Roncato
Quantum, 2015 fotomoltiplicatore, circuiti, ambiente