

Alfred utilizes a number of open source libraries to function. Pocketsphinx performs speech recognition via Python bindings to theCMUSphinx engine. Alfred’s voice is owed to the popular TTS program, eSpeak. Phonetisaurus and CMUCLMTK enable Alfred to generate dictionaries and language models on-the-fly based on the custom module vocabularies. Mopidy enables streaming from Spotify, for those users who wish to use the module.

The client architecture is organized into a number of different components: is the program that orchestrates all of Alfred. It creates mic, profile, and conversation instances. Next, the conversation instance is fed the mic and profile as inputs, from which it creates a notifier and a brain.

The brain then receives the mic and profile originally descended from main and loads all the interactive components into memory. The brain is essentially the interface between developer-written modules and the core framework. Each module must implement isValid() andhandle() functions, as well as define a WORDS = [...] list.

To learn more about how Alfred interactive modules work and how to write your own, check out the API guide.

Software Architecture

Smart Butler Project

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The Smart Butler project aims to create a system able to substitute a human butler in a domestic environment