Second Language Acquisition in

Programming Languages


The material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant EEC1441825. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) - Conferences  


The American Society for Engineering Education hosts regional, zone and national conferences. Papers presented in this conferences cover a wide range of engineering-related topics. The SLA-aBLe team has presented multiple papers and student posters for this conferences. The aim by doing so is to obtain feedback in the project from fellow engineers and professors interested in similar ideas and projects. This is also an opportunity for SLA-aBLe to reach out to other professors that might be interested in implementing this approach and talking to professors with different teaching methods and ideas.


ASEE 122nd Annual Conference:

Applying Second Language Acquisition to Facilitate a Blended Learning of Programming Languages.


   Abstract: This paper describes a recent NSF funded project under the Research Initiation Grant in Engineering Education (RIGEE) program. It correlates the programming language study to second language acquisition theory. The work begun in Fall 2014, and project materials are under development. The paper outlines the proposed work and the materials developed to support the implementation of the project in Fall 2015.


2016 ASEE SE Conference:

Student Poster: Learning Programming Languages Through Second Language Acquisition


    The poster included the first stages of the project, a description of the approach and preliminary results.



A Second Language Acquisition Approach to Learning Programming Languages


    Abstract: The instructional design for modules in the study was based on the evidence that learning a programming language is analogous to students acquiring a second language, and utilized tools from Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory. A programming language has vocabulary, syntax, grammar and communicative outcomes that must be sufficiently developed for the learner to function successfully in the environment that utilizes the language. This proposed study utilized in SLA approach to programming language in a blended learning environment. Modifications to the course pedagogy included breaking the course topics into video lessons focusing on basic programming vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. These videos had opportunities for the students to practice new commands and dynamically apply the grammatical programming rules introduced in the lesson. Student performance in sections using the SLA approach will be compared with that of students in unaltered programming sections using student survey responses, class participation and course grades.



















ASSE 123rd Annual Conference:

Can we teach Programming Language as a Second Language?


     Abstract: This paper describes a design and implementation of a NSF sponsored project in 2015. This study will test the hypothesis that the use of cognitive frameworks in second language acquisition for the development of a blended learning of programming languages can improve engagement and the learning experience of engineering students. Using this approach will place greater emphasis on problem solving techniques that can be utilized in all courses. The online module consists of a series of short videos (10-20 minutes), online quizzes with tiered questions, and topic specified discussion board led by student researchers. Students' demographic data, course-related behavior such as usage of the instructional videos and discussion board, student performance such as quizzes and exams, and attitude toward the class will be compared across students in the experimental groups, and control groups to determine if student performance, behavior and attitudes very across classrooms employing different teaching strategies.


Implementation and Evaluation of a Second Language Acquisition-Based Programming Course


     Abstract: This paper describes the initial finding of an NSF funded project under the Research Initiation Grant in Engineering Education (RIGEE) program. The RIGEE program is a multidisciplinary program focused on developing innovative, implementing and assessing innovative programs that enhance engineering education. The project applied theory and methods of second language acquisition (SLA) to teach an introductory programming course in engineering. The project is a two year long project implemented in multiple sections of an introductory programming class at a technological university, and assessed throughout implementation. It included a component whereby student assistants participated in project development and implementation, and were mentored by project leads. the current presentation presents the results of the fall 2015 assessment of learning effectiveness in the course, and compares SLA course sections to non-SLA sections, objective and subjective measures of effectiveness were collected and analyzed.


2017 ASEE Zone II and SE Conference

Student poster: Second Language Acquisition in a Blended Learning of programming languages (SLA-aBLe): Students respond to new materials


       Poster included: implementations by term, demographics of students, grade results and one-on-one interviews with students.


A Human Factors Perspective on Learning Programming Languages using a Second Langauge Acquisition Approach


       Abstract: In this day and age, knowing a programming language is an essential skill to have for those pursuing a career in any of the STEM fields. in most colleges and universities around the world, engineering and computer science students are required to take an introductory course in a programming language. However, many students find these course intimidating and too challenging. This paper explores a psychological perspective on learning programming languages using Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theories. The paper also describes the basic function of how learning works and how SLA aids in the learning process. This paper also briefly discusses the Second Language Acquisition in a Blended Learning (SLA-aBLe) project, and how the use of SLA techniques facilitated students learning MATLAB. Demographic survey data and overall grade data from spring 2016 show that students in the SLA-aBLe courses received overall higher gardes and felt less overwhelmed and intimidated.