According to mucki, there are more weapon maps on than strafe ones. If that's true, it's yet another reason to realize the importance of weapons in Defrag; Otherwise, it's still important (=


Weapons are used to push you forward by hitting stuff with them and getting a knockback boost which is strong enough to even matter, in fact it's really fucking strong sometimes. Weapons (except Railgun, Gauntlet and Machinegun, which are mostly used to hit buttons, or, in rare cases, hit buttons linked to a speed target which gives you speed. But technically, the button gave you the speed, not the weapon, so it doesn't count :D) are used in many different ways, each and every one of them resulting in a speed boost. The knockback is relative to the taken damage. 

There are 9 weapons in quake3, 4 really mattering to defrag:


The Rocket Launcher:

50 hp damage at max (you need to take 50hp damage to get the maximum boost)

rocket launcher is the most common weapon in quake3 and defrag. It's a powerful weapon that makes much damage in dm, and much knockback in defrag, therefore really useful for us defragers. You can do many things with it:


1) Rocketjumping


Rocketjumping is useful to reach really high places, less for getting speed. You face the floor and jump and shoot at almost the same time. This needs a bit of practice at first, but it's pretty easy then. Tricks including rocketjump useage are common amongst df maps, so it's not a bad idea to learn it.


2) Speedy rocketing


You shoot at a wall in the contrary direction

of where you want to go, and you will get a speed boost,

as shown in the following video:

this is cityrocket performed by sairax.

If you watch closely \:D/, he is shooting the

walls at certain angles to get speed boosts, resulting in him

being really freaking fast in this run))

The map is "cityrocket" by Pan-(G),

one of the most (over)played rocket

maps until now, I have to admit it's

not that bad. Anyhow, this is the main use of rl on most maps.  


3) Multirocketing


Multirocketing is getting a speed/height boost by more than 1 rocket _at the same time_. How will that work?=)

Well, first of all, you need to know what the rocket flight speed is: cpm rockets fly with 1000 u/s, while vq3 rockets go at 900 u/s. so, use the above mentioned technique of speed rocketing until you reach (let's say you're playing vq3) ~900 u/s. Now keep up that speed, continue jumping. Now that you have constant ~900 u/s, pick a spot on a wall and start shooting as many rockets there as you want. The more you shoot, the faster you will get out. After a while of shooting, you will have a big rocket cloud surrounding you. Once you reach the wall, the rockets will hit the wall with you, and give you all their knockback, aka you will be thrown in a direction with a really high speed. Hard to imagine and explain, but you will understand watching a demo:






Rocketing is one of the easiest things to learn, if you are new to defrag/weapons or you have been a straf0r so far, the best choice for a weapon to learn is rocket.


Grenade Launcher:

50 hp damage at max (same as rocket launcher, just much harder to time and unlikely to happen). Still le GL is a very popular weapon in defrag, it allows for a variety of complex tricks including multinades w/ special timing etc, or "controlled rocketruns" with nades, shooting buttons that are on walls, which doesn't leave you a choice where to shoot (kairos does 'em). It has, like RL, a strong knockback and groundboosts w/ it are possible and became semi-popular in late 2013 AFAIK, before that it was an underground trick not many knew about.                                                                                                                                  

1) Grenade Jump

The normal gren jump is a pretty simple one: shoot a nade straight to the ground, wait about 3 seconds, jump while it explodes. Finding out the timing is a task for every defrager in the beginning, i haven't measured it)) The height that this boost can give you, is, as I mentioned be4, the same height as RL can, even tho it's hard to actually get it(even w/ ping 0)














Yep, there ain't much to nades, Mang, you saw it right. Nonetheless as you keep discovering le beautiful

DF world, you will come across interesting ways to use it \:3/


Plasma Gun: 7 hp damage at max. This weapon creates a kind of maps, it's a realm on its own. This weapon shoots at a really fast pace, its knockback ain't bad, therefore allows you to climb wallz like you're spiderman =) Very common weapon, timeless in all kinds of maps since the beginning of DF


1) Plasma Climb

Basics first, plasma allows you to climb walls, by facing a wall in a 90ish degree angle, looking at it in a 70ish degree angle, and shooting the wall after having jumped. You will reach higher places, if there's anything to reach. This boost doesn't last forever, its height is ofc limited=)

This trick is used in many maps, and probably in every plasma (non-GB intended) map ever.

Btw, plasma climbs also allow you to climb around multiple corners, which is phoon :p






Other weapons in df:

Apart from the ones i describesed above, ther's a few more weapons in df, and they all have kewl features and uses, that are interesting. There is the BFG, basically a rocket launcher shooting at really high speeds. This one can give you enormous amounts of speed in short time :0 also, in combination w/ ceiling bug, you can gain insane speeds w/ it, which makes it a not so common weapon for normal maps. Having a few shots in a combo map, that need to be used skillfully to proceed in the map, is kewl and common practice, tho! 

Another najs weap, that's not so common in df, is t3h grapple-hook (kairos ejaculated :3), which, once shot, will attract you to whatever you shot w/ it, or, if it's a swinging hook (kairos ejaculated yet again :0), will make you swing around like@madman. You will see/experience funny use of those, when kairos is around and maps w/ it are being released \:D/ Then, there is the lightning gun, which can also give you crazy speeds. It's the huge amount of speed/the unusual skillset you gawtta use, that makes these weapz a not-so-popular choice for mapplerz. You won't encounter them a lot, but it might happen that you see them in a DFWC map \:3/

This run by Enter shows use of nades @

pro level on a map designed for tricks

w/ such)


It's pretty fun, but опрометчивый:

once you fail, whole run is pretty much 

worthless. nadefails ain't too forgiving on long maps, unlike rocket which allows you to get back on track quickly.

this is w3sp-pgultimate, a map by wespina \:I/.

it's a collection of kewl plasmatr1kz, and also 

tells you how good you are @ plasma. 

being able to complete this map means, that you're pretty b0s at it))



many uses of plasma are seen here, such as climb, phop, or using it for speed gain.

Demonstration of lg run, on r7-pulzy. One of the very few popular lg maps in defrag.

Below, runbfg, scripted by dqopb :p

Clearly, the devastating powa of these weapz

is visible, which makes it a rare choice for 

mappl0rz. BFG will be encountered more commonly than LG, tho :0


Finally the dreaded topic appears, which troubled defrag when it appeared in ~2006, shown by cgaz, proven possible for humans by w3spina in dfwc, and nowadays common practice, not even anything special anymore. Pplz bee doing these backwards now!:0

But.. what bee it, a geebee?

A GroundBoost, commonly referred to as gb(depending on weapon giving knockback rgb, pgb and ngb \:3/ respectively) is the opportunity to pick up speed from a brief slick effect that exists after the player takes 

knockback from a... uh, weapon w/ knockback:)

In a nutshell: shoot yo' ass, then slide. Sounds pretty simple? It is!=)

As i mentioned be4, it's possible to receive slick effect from rocket launcher, plasma gun and grenade launcher(bfg, lightning, etc. too, but we disregard those for obv reasons))

The techniques for obtaining such boost, indeed vary a lot from weapon to weapon, and there are even multiple styles for it?! :0 Yes, and I will show you such styles and give examples for each gb. 

Here's a run on hadesgb - map w/ nade and plasma gbs, clearly visible. 

Can download a single archive w/

all demos, including gb ones, 

in intro


But this video by newbrict nails it imho -)

Good description&explanation of the thang for n00biez, but only for plasma geebeez.

Anyhow, any geebee includes 3 basic steps:


1. Get knockback (shooting wall w/ rl, shooting floor w/ pg, shooting air w/ nade)

2. Use slick effect after successful knock-backing) (move your mouse in a way that'll give you speed)

3. Jump be4 slick time ends (slick time is different every time, depending on how mush knock-back you got :3)

T3h code in a nutshell explained: it basically says, if player takes damage, which is caused by himself, he will be pushed back relative to damage taken. Then, there's a flag set, that says: if the player is pushed around(receives knockback), he's gonna slide on le grownd, for at least 50ms but max 200ms, Mang! When knockback doesn't push you in  the air tho, but, in gbs' case, pushes you to the ground, you got walk acceleration instead of air accel. Since a line of code, which gave air accel like enviroment, as in VQ3, was removed from the CPM code, the effect is 10x stronger there, allowing for sick speedz))

technical explanation by <hk> can be found @

Geebeez are quite common nowadays, many maps requiring use of such are released, also some w/ interesting techniques, like gbs w/ quad, or w/ haste, or even vq3gbs =X

As of now, 2o15, it'z pretty much seen as a standard skill, nothing too special to do anymore: most players can do eet. If you look to be competitive in df, this skill is required on weapon maps :3


Real Geebee in wilderness ->


<- Geebee map in DF