
Alina Bilokon I Lea Rault


Alina Bilokon I Lea Rault I Jeremy Rouault


Lyrics & Music

Alina Bilokon I Lea Rault I Jeremy Rouault

(except: syncopation by tom dissevelt and kid baltan & penthesilee of Heinrich Von Kleist)


light design                             sound regie

thibaut galmiche              clement lemennicier


costumes                                                                                                PICTURES

Anna le reun / under the bridge                                               Lise Gaudaire


objects design                          artistic collaboration

lucie le guen                   arnaud stephan & radouan mriziga



TYJ. Piece where three solos happen bound together by a search of a place to take a stand. Place where metaphors and allegories are the most used figures in manufacturing of an object that indicates rather than embodies the meaning.

TYJ. Three figures - bound by tacit agreement - construct a tale made of dance, music and poetry to give an articulated form to lyricism.

TYJ. Place where audience have a choice to observe & experience or interpret & understand, by shifting a focus from the 'singing & playing bodies’ corporeality to fgures that emerge from this movement. 


Production:  Pilot Fishes

Co-Production:   Theatre  de  la  Ville - Paris  I  La Passerrelle - Scene Nationale de Saint Brieuc  I  Musee  de  la  Danse - Centre  choregraphique  national de Rennes et de Bretagne  I  Le Triangle,  Cite de la Danse - Rennes  I  Danse a tous les etages - Rennes  I  Itineraire Bis, Association de Developpement Culturel et Artistique des Cotes d'Armor

Support:  Ministere de la culture et de la communication / DRAC bretagne au titre de l'aide à la creation  I  La Region Bretagne  I  conseil general des cotes d'armor  I  Teatro Municipal do Porto - Rivoli . Campo Alegre (PT)  I  La Metive - Lieu de Residence de Creation Pluridisciplinaire en Creuse (FR)  I  O Espaco do Tempo - Montemor o Novo (PT)  I  Collectif Danse Rennes Metropole (FR)  I  WP Zimmer - Antwerp (BE)  I  gouvernement - Gent (BE)


This piece won  3rd  and Audience  awards  in  Danse Elargie  contest organised by Theatre de la Ville - Paris and Musee de la danse - Rennes.











Here & Hot

(Alina Bilokon)


oh God. let me be here 

let me be hot. oh God
I’m not ready. God

where is my skirt. oh God


oh God. just let me be here let me be hot


give me advice. oh God

I can not do this without it

oh please. just give me advice

because you definitely know what I need


I will behave
I will be brave
I will be straight


oh God. just let me be here let me be hot


I'm wondering about result

of this way of time spending. oh God
it's not working when I'm on my own 

you should rule me with your iron rod


it’s time for advice! 

you are the only one knowing how this should be 

can you be more specific, oh dear 

your wisdom is overwhelming


I will behave

I will be brave 

I will be straight


oh God, just let me be here let me be hot


look at this overflowing positivism!

Lyrics & Texts for TYJ


(Heinrich Von Kleist)


Elle freine la course fougueuse de son cheval,

La poussière s'élève autour d'elle,

Et le visage radieux tourné vers la cime,

Elle mesure un instant la paroi :

Son cimier lui-même, comme s'il s'effrayait,

La tire par le crâne violemment en arrière :

Puis tout à coup lâchant les rênes,

On la voit, prise de vertige, presser à la hâte

Son front cerné par le flot des cheveux

Dans ses deux petites mains.

Bouleversées par cette étrange vision,

Toutes les vierges s'affairent autour d'elle,

La suppliant avec des gestes ardents et insistants ;

L'une qui semble être une proche parente

L'entoure de son bras, tandis qu'une autre,

Encore plus décidée, saisit les rênes :

On veut de force l'empêcher d'avancer,



Vaines sont les tentatives pour la retenir,

Elle repousse avec douceur et fermeté

Les femmes, et d'un trot nerveux

Elle va et vient le long de la paroi :

Cherchant si quelque sentier étroit ne s'offrirait

A son désir qui n'a pas d'ailes ;

Puis on la voit, l'enragée,

Escalader la paroi rocheuse,

Frayant dans son désir ardent, sa voie,

Pleine de l'espoir insensé d'attraper

La proie prise dans les rets.

Après avoir tenté les crevasses les plus douces

Que la pluie a creusées dans la roche,

La pente, elle le voit, est impraticable ;

Mais comme privée de jugement, elle revient sur ses pas

Et reprend l'escalade comme au commencement.

Et s'élance, l'infatigable, en effet,

Sur des sentiers que le pas du marcheur éviterait,

S'élance tout près du bord supérieur de la cime,

Un rien l'en sépare ; et alors qu'elle se tient

Sur un bloc de granit qui n'offre pas plus de place

Qu'il n'en faut à un chamois pour se tenir,

Terrifiée par les rochers qui se dressent autour d'elle,

Elle n'ose plus faire un pas, ni en avant ni en arrière ;

Les cris angoissés des femmes percent l'air :

Elle précipite soudain cavale et cavalière,

Parmi les roches qui se détachent avec fracas,

Comme si elle chutait dans l'Orcus,

Jusqu'au pied de la paroi rocheuse,

Et ne se rompt pas le cou mais n'apprend rien non plus,

Se relève et repart à l'assaut de l'escalade.

Powers Over My Matters

(Alina Bilokon)


I want you to be sure of what I am doing now
Look, I’m standing, I’m singing, I’m dancing 

Made of sterner stuff, strict and severe

My sharp eyes are missing nothing


Our story is like a class warfare

We are playing in different leagues 

You are sitting in your orthopedic chair

I am weeping my crocodile tears


We never will feel satisfied

Cause you are meant to do something special 

Only your generosity - is what I like

Exercise of your powers over my matters


Tell where are your thoughts right now

On your lover’s chest, on seaside, at home 

They’re connected to your real desires

I know you pretend you are an admirer


Oh, Me. I dream of a day in SPA

Some private SPA. Where I am alone

Where I don’t need to look at other’s beauties

SPA. Where oily rubbing will make me moan


It’s the only thing we have in common 

We always want to be somewhere else

I can not really lean on your empathy

We will always be like berries and bears


And we never will feel satisfied

Cause you’re meant to do something special 

Only your generosity - is what I like

Exercise of your powers over my matters







(Léa Rault)


I'm delighted to submit. 

To Who's on top.


I'm the lion the one you can squeeze, you can bite. 

But who will cry if I abandon you?


And will you cry if I abandon you?


I'm delighted to submit. Who's on top?


Don't worry, I'll come back.


From your top position, you can't see anything, 

And I see your ass, your fragile neck and chin. 

And I see your strength in a square position. 

And I see your standing in a fragile motion. 


You think I'm a fool but I'm the happiest. 

I spend lazy days lying and topless. 

But my eyes are aware of your little tricks. 

And one day you will see where I suddenly fit.

Who eats Who

(Alina Bilokon)


gaze is directed to very Apex ones

at first it’s common to feel like a Zebra facing mouthy Lions 

letting their Foxes contemplate my Hares

is the only way to keep upgrading trophic levels 


and the great leap forward may occur 

big run for scarce resources is beginning 

fight for rank and access to reproduction 

big in-bud contest for clique integration 


symbiotic relationship become prospective 

the living together of unlike organisms 

interspecies friendships get into perspective 

awkward interaction mechanisms 


Zebra. striped coat horse

popular in form of rug, once it’s dead

submitted to stress, but very briefly

that’s why it gets no ulcers. Sapolsky said

she likes to share her space with Ostrich 

largest living flightless bird

the great reality avoider

its head in sand is often buried

they work effectively together

from each other’s strength they benefit

one can see and other hear & smell the danger 

together they avoid the threat


Hyenas are frightening and worthy of contempt 

laughing and giggling they scavenge and hunt 

with short back legs and drooling jaws

popular tale tells they can hypnotize

some real thugs are having them as pets 

spotted females dominate their males 

competing for the top-spot in predators league 

with Lions the Queens


Crocodiles ambitious hunter

energy efficiency makes them go for bigs 

Gustav large male from Burundi

in Ruzizi river had 300 men for meals 


cricket eat grass 

frog eat cricket 

hawk eat frog 

hawk eat mouse 

mouse eat grass 

mouse eat cricket 

snake eat mouse 

hawk eat snake 

snake eat rabbit 

rabbit eat grass 

wolf eat rabbit 

wolf eat deer 

deer eat grass


(Léa Rault)


This is our love, for fathomless love. 

My poise is my trademark, 

Don't take it personal, I am enjoying it. 


This is our love, for fathomless love ! 


I look at myself hurling my joy off the cliff, and I laugh, 

Rubbing my heart against stones, Orcus smoothering my strange moves, 

I've made up a whole story, worry, I've whirled and I've swapped roles, poles. 


We've been taming each others, performing gaze, 

Playing games, joking with the maze, like life depends on it ! 


Eating pleasures, 

Pleasures to eat ! 


Oh, I'm offering myself to you, 

But always seeking a place that is mine, 

I've spinned and I've stormed out of given awes, I

 want to have goose pimples, you know ? 

Ungraspable.Available. Capable.Adorable. Desirable. Laughable. Unsuitable. Lovable. 


I've stood in the song, the space is filled with joy, 

my lines, squares, circles create new zones, 

where the lion seeks his own path, that is mine. 

When one says : from afar it is something, too close it is nothing, 

lion says : from inside it is thrilling ! 

Enjoying death even, I'm performing. 

Like a good song, all over again. 

14 - 15 June 2014  -  Danse Elargie, Theatre de la Ville, paris, france  -  10' version

4 October 2014  -  La Festive, La Metive, moutier d'ahun, France - 10' version

4 December 2014  -  Musee de la Danse, Rennes, france  -  10' version

10 July 2015  -  Rivoli, Porto, portugal - work in progress

4 september 2105  -  Le triangle, rennes, France  -  work in progress

16 - 19 September 2015 -  Theatre des Abbesses, Paris, france  -  premiere
17 december 2015 - Le Triangle, rennes, France
22 mars 2016 - La Passerelle, Saint-Brieuc, France