Here’s our blow-by-blow recap of “Game of Thrones” Season 4, Episode 2 – “The Lion and the Rose.” Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 2 Download


Before we get to the royal wedding and the death of Joffrey, here are some of the other important events that happened in King's Landing. Tyrion finally ended his dalliance with Shae, and calls her a whore to make the breakup stick. He has Bronn take her to a ship to send her away, and Bronn later tells Tyrion at the wedding that the deed is done. But Tyrion is concerned by the news that Bronn was followed, which is valid considering fans know Tywin told Cersei to send Shae to the Tower of the Hand. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 2 Download

Jaime is also having personal issues and opens up about them to Tyrion during a cute lunch between the two brothers. Apparently Jaime is far less skilled in fighting with his left hand than he thought, so Tyrion has Bronn help Jaime train to swordfight with his remaining hand. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 2 Download
The first step of Joffrey and Margaery's wedding celebration is the breakfast the pair hosts, where Joffrey continues to show what an obnoxious twit he is. Though it at first seems like he might have learned some restraint when he politely accepts Tyrion's gifts, he then proceeds to slash them to bits when Tywin presents him with his Valyrian steel sword. 

The wedding ceremony between the king and his new queen goes off without a hitch, but it's at the celebratory feast that things start getting interesting. When the attendees are walking from the Sept of Baelor, Lady Olenna brings up to Tywin the fact that the Lannisters will likely soon be coming to the Tyrells to help pay off the massive debt the crown has to the Iron Bank of Braavos. With the amount of times the bank has been brought up recently, expect that storyline to get a payoff sooner rather than later.  Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 2 Download

Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 2 Download. At the feast, there are a number of fantastic interactions between characters who haven't been around each other before. The Brienne and Jaime 'ship was set alight when Brienne meets Cersei, and Cersei flat out acknowledges that Brienne loves Jaime. Even though Cersei isn't particularly happy with her brother at the moment, Brienne better avoid the jealous queen at all costs. 

Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 2 Download. Then there was Cersei and Tywin coming face-to-face with Oberyn and Ellaria. Oberyn's pointed remarks are bound to get him in trouble, but it's certainly fun watching him make Cersei and Tywin squirm. Loras and Oberyn acknowledging one another was a delight, as was Jaime threatening Loras with Cersei's brutality if the pair were to marry. Fortunately, Loras came back at him with the fact Jaime will never get to marry Cersei either.