Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 13th July 2014

B Walk

Blanchland Moor

7 Miles Grade 3

Leader: Gill Thompson

Report & Photos by Gill Thompson


12 set off towards Blanchland moor in sunshine which was a nice surprise, as we had come through drizzle near Hexham and the clouds looked ominous. There was no problem with route finding , but some of the info passed round the bus turned out to be incorrect. For a start the quiet lane and path on to the moor was invaded by several very noisy scrambler bikes, and there were very few grouse seen or heard, perhaps they had decided that  August 12th was approaching and had done a bunk. Towards the end of the walk along a field edge the grass had grown at least 2 ft since I walked it out. The one thing that was correct was the wonderful views.  We had lunch at the edge of Slaley forest. We thought we might see the A party as we were crossing a path they were due to use,but saw no-one. We arrived back in Blanchland at 3pm, time for a leisurely drink and a look round the village. 

