Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 21st September 2014

A Walk

Grey Mare's Tail

8 Miles Grade 1s

Leader: John McKay

Report by John McKay

Photos by Pete Rutland, John McKay

Lauren Sarasini & Peter Flynn


No passports were required after all for to-days walk. On Thursday the historic vote had been “No” to Scottish independence, the people had decided. Knowing that Wales, Northern Ireland and especially England would be unlikely to survive without them, the Scottish people took pity on them and decided to stay part of the United Kingdom. Apart from being intelligent, well educated, inventive and generally superior, it just goes to show how compassionate, humble and modest they are. The UK will be a much better place for them staying. Fourteen of us at the Sands, plus Jess the dog, with everyone going on the A walk, it’s nice to be popular. We set off in four cars for what promised to be a great day, the forecast was good, sunshine and no wind, and this proved to be the case. There was quite a bit of wind later in the day but it was nothing to do with the weather. We were joined by Viola, Ron’s wife, out on her first A walk and Dan, Pete’s son on a visit from London, a Detective Inspector in the Met. We set off on the steep ascent up towards the waterfall, it was tough going and in my usual fashion uphill, I led from the rear. Passing the waterfall on the way, we eventually reached Loch Skeen. It was a beautiful sight, it really is a lovely spot. We had a short coffee break before setting off on the steep climb to Lochcraig Head, where we had our lunch. With most of the climbing for the day over it was a fairly casual strole to White Coomb, the high point of the day. It was then downhill to Tail Burn where we joined the path back to the car park. Along the way there was much discussion on the Scottish vote and I had to correct Bernard on several occasions that it was not Lake Skeen and Tail Beck but Loch Skeen and Tail Burn. By the end of the day he was using the correct terms. My work as a missionary is never done. We ended the day in the Rumblin Tum for tea, coffee and cakes. A great day, a great group, thanks to everyone who came along.

