Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 24th August 2014

A Walk

Great Dodd

9 Miles Grade 1

Leader: Phil Howarth

Reports by John McKay & Peter Flynn

Photos by John McKay, Peter Flynn & Lauren Sarasini


John's Report


Eleven of us set off in three cars for to-days A walk. I decided to go on the A walk as it was a rare treat. It was a bit like Halley’s Comet, very rarely do you see it. As we left the Sands I made a mental note to keep a look out for rocking horse !*@!. The walk was being led a by Phil, so it was not to be missed. Why he doesn’t lead more walks I have no idea as this was an absolutely brilliant walk and he had even arranged the most fantastic weather. We set off from How Row in glorious sunshine making our way across some lovely open fells. As we climbed the views were fantastic, visibility was great throughout the day and the views just got better and better. The walk could have been called the Cairn Walk, we visited so many of them, some we were not supposed to visit but that’s another story. We stopped for lunch at a nice little spot, during lunch I told the group about both my grandfathers, they were very similar, they were both down the coal mines at the age of twelve, both drank a bottle of whisky a day, they smoked constantly and between fags they chewed tobacco. The most amazing similarity was that they both died when they were 96 years of age. If it runs in the family I could be around for another 31 years. There’s a thought. We set off after lunch to visit a few more cairns, at one of them we met an ex member of the club. We were told later that this ex member was very fond of beer and at one time claimed to have drunk 33 pints of beer in one evening and it had little influence on him apart from subduing some of his bodily functions. The mind boggles. I find several of my bodily functions subdued with no alcohol at all. I dread to think what it would be like after 33 pints. We carried on, passing more cairns and  downhill back towards the cars, we passed a tree with the biggest cones I have ever seen (see photo). Along the way we discussed many subjects, including Sir Cliff, did he or didn’t he, regardless, because of the publicity he was likely to have a number one record with his next release, “Sweet Sixteen” was suggested as a likely candidate. We headed off to the coffee shop in Stainton to find Heather already seated at the table, she had turned up at the Sands but was unable to walk due to injury but she thought, just to keep her hand in or should I say feet, she would join us for coffee and cake. We had more great crack before heading home. A fantastic day, a great crowd and a great walk. Well done Phil, you should do it more often.




Peter's Report


When we set off we were in winter gear,  several had ice axes,  but the slushy, slippery snow was extremely unpleasant.  The ground was swampy, the mist prevented any views and Phil eventually,  after discussing it with us all,  decided to call off the walk.  Same time,  same place,  same leader only 18 months ago.  Yesterday the 11 of us on the walk could be forgiven for thinking this was a different planet – beautiful day,  warm and sunny,  stunning views,  still a bit boggy but a wonderful day all round.  The only amazing aspect was that despite it being a bank holiday, apart from the 11 of us there were very few people out and about.  Phil led us in an anti-clockwise direction this time,  brilliant views over the whole Lake District with just about every peak and most of the lakes in view at one stage or another.  Then disaster – we were so engrossed in the fascinating tales being told – a lecture on the danger of manholes in the road when one is,  at 96 years old,  drunk as the proverbial skunk  – we missed the summit of Stybarrow Dodd and had to retrace our steps to add a further 300 yards onto the walk.  After that,  afternoon tea at the farm shop in Stainton – Heather had gone ahead and persuaded them to stay open for us instead of adhering to the utterly daft regulation about closing at 4pm.  A day to remember and thanks Phil for a really well planned and well led outing over some an area few of us knew too well. 

