Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 13th July 2014

A Walk

Devil's Water to Blanchland

10 Miles Grade 3

Leader: Neil Thompson

Report & Photos by John McKay


Not an area we go to very often but thirty five turned up for this rare visit to the East and what a great day we had. Eleven of us got off the coach at a remote spot on a country road and set off into the woods. We soon found ourselves alongside Devil’s Water which we were to follow for about five or six miles. The woods were quite wonderful and not at all muddy, the weather was also wonderful, sunny and warm with a lovely breeze. We came across a huge anthill with thousands of ants rushing about.  I must apologise for slowing everyone down, I was really struggling and was delighted when we stopped for lunch. Various topics were discussed over lunch and throughout the day. Inevitably the World Cup, a football tournament taking place in Brazil which England had a brief part in during its early stages. Scottish Independence and the great loss to England if it’s a yes vote. Rolf Harris also popped up as he seemed to do frequently throughout his career. Edward II and a red hot poker, perhaps a more "fitting" punishment for Rolf. What a diverse and well informed bunch we are. We carried on by Devil’s Water for a bit then headed off for the fells for the only climb of the day, 600ft Neil said but it felt to me like 6000ft. Once the top was reached it was plain sailing all the way down to Blanchland. What a beautiful village Blanchland is, wonderfully preserved.  We split up at this point, some to the pub and some to the tearoom and later some of us visited the Abbey. A wonderful walk and a wonderful day .Thanks to everyone for their company and to Neil for leading.

