Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 7th September 2014

A Walk

Yewbarrow & Steeple

10 Miles Grade 1sc

Leader: Peter Flynn

Report by Peter Flynn

Photos by Peter Flynn & Lauren Sarasini




If you could get a more glorious day than a warm, sunny hike up Netherbeck and onto Scoat Fell,  Steeple,  and back via a superb scramble up Yewbarrow,  with the most stunning views of Wastwater,  Ennerdale,  Gable,  the Scafells and Pillar,  then I do not know what it is.  7 of us plus Sam,  David’s faithful companion, headed up at the start to a path that has been there for years and which I have tramped many times,  but which is now totally overgrown after a new fence has been erected which cuts it off,  and had to scramble back down back to the river.  The walk up to Scoat Fell was quite steep but the views were stunning.  We returned via Red Pike and onto the lovely scramble up Yewbarrow.  Sam had to be hauled and pushed up the rocks and when he found a murky pool on the top he got his own back. Back to the cars and were joined by John,  recovering from the rigours of the B walk at the Greyhound in Bothel,  for dinner.  Wonderful day – the sort that lives in the memory. 


