Wish You Were Here, Space Odyssey


Wish You Were Here (1975) with 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - Discovered by 2%David


Start the album as soon as the blue MGM logo appears.




-The album cover had a slip over it, as seen in the picture above.  This represents the scene in 2001 where the ape throws the bone into the air (represented by the white hand) which then turns into the spaceship (represented by the darker grey hand).  Behind the hands are four different scenes representing earth, while the blackness around it represents space.


-The picture of the two men, one burning (or burnt), was taken in a studio backlot.


-Slight Spoiler-

The first two scenes with Dr. Floyd have a women, dressed in pink, on the left side of him.  <Pink - Floyd>  Maybe a stretch.

Wish You Were Here, George Bailey


Wish You Were Here (1975) with It's A Wonderful Life (1946) - Discovered by Andrew C. Wendland 4/16/98


Start the album as "Republic Pictures" disappears.  Repeat until the end of the movie.




-As in the "2001" sync, the black slip covering the vinyl album represents space, while the four scenes in a circle represents Earth.  The "helping hand" (when the picture is turned so that the ground is horizontal) is from space or heaven, as in the film and it's helping the earthling, George Bailey.


-The 'invisible' man is actually "absent".  The movie is about how life would be if the main character didn't exist.


-The name, George Bailey, can be heard at about 6:57 on Welcome To the Machine.


-For more, please visit Andrew's page here --> http://moviesyncs.com/pf_syncs/sync_pf_k.html

Wish You Were Here In Wonderland


Wish You Were Here (1975) with Alice In Wonderland (1951) - Discovered by me 4/24/15


Start the album at the beginning of the movie, as RKO Radio Pictures appears.




-The film that plays on "Mr. Screen" during Shine On during the Pulse tour contains a scene which is reminiscent of a scene during the movie, which is of a miniature person in a "Drink Me" bottle.  There is also a scene containing a caterpillar with a hookah, which both are obvious references to the scenes in the movie.  Can this really be a coincidence?

Wish You Were Here, John and George (and Paul)


Wish You Were Here (1975) with Yellow Submarine (1968) - Discovered by me


Start the album as "Once upon a time...." appears.



Wish You Were Here, Elvis


Wish You Were Here (1975) with Jailhouse Rock (1957) - Discovered by me?


Start the album as the first scene of the movie after the credits appears.  Repeat until movie ends.




-The lyrics from the Wish You Were Here song "did you exchange, a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?"