The Final Cut Overview


The Final Cut was released by Pink Floyd in 1983.  This was the final album to include the founding member Roger Waters.  An accompanying short film was released the same year (Wiki Link - Film Link)  ""The Final Cut" is a movie term used to describe the last edit before the film is sent to theaters. Having the final cut means ultimately deciding what's in the film. In the context of this song, the term relates to suicide, as Pink declares, "I never had the nerve to make the final cut," meaning he couldn't work up the courage to end his life."  - Songfacts


The original track listing (which is used in the syncs below) is:


1. The Post War Dream

2. Your Possible Pasts

3. One of the Few

4. The Hero's Return

5. The Gunner's Dream

6. Paranoid Eyes

7. Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert

8. The Fletcher Memorial Home

9. Southampton Dock

10. The Final Cut

11. Not Now John

12. Two Suns In the Sunset 

The Final Zulu


The Final Cut (1983) with Zulu (1964) - Discovered by Me


Start album as soon as "Zulu" appears.  Play on repeat until end of movie.




-The Final Cut cover has war medals on it.  "The one on the bottom right, yellow-green background with black and red stripes, is a Defence Medal, for 3 years service. The middle one with a gold background and black, red and blue stripes is an Africa Star, for service in the North African campaign."


-The back of the album shows a man, stabbed in the back, with a film canister under his arm.  Being stabbed in the back is an act of betrayal.  A film canister holds a film, a.k.a. a movie.  The combination suggests the man was betrayed by a film producer or possibly Hollywood.

The Meaning of the Final Cut


The Final Cut (1983) with Monty Python's Meaning of Life (1983) - Discovered by Me ?/?/04?


Start album as soon as the first "Universal An MCA Company" logo starts fading out.  Play on repeat until end of movie.




-The film contains a "reenactment" of the British-Zulu war.  The album synchronizes with the 1964 Zulu film.


-Pink Floyd would stop recording to watch Monty Python on tv, they also, along with Led Zeppelin, help support the making of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.