The Division of the Apes


The Division Bell (1994) with Planet of the Apes (1968) - Discovered by Kenny Dreamx


Start the album after the 20th Century Fox logo, just as the actual movie starts to fade in. When The Division Bell is ending (at the end of the song High Hopes) turn the volume up to hear the conversation between the Pink Floyd manager and David Gilmour's son, Charlie.




-The book, Mind Over Matter: The Images of Pink Floyd by Storm Thorgerson, on page 139 in the black cape you'll see an ape face.


-The artwork for Keep Talking has smaller monkeys forming a larger monkey face.


-See for more artwork.


-The second part of the video for Marooned ( ) "shifts to a very much earthbound location - the city of Pripyat, in northern Ukraine, once home to 50,000 people, but now known as the ghost-town on the doorstep of Chernobyl following the tragic accident at the nuclear reactor in 1986."  - The plot twist (Spoiler alert!) of Planet of the Apes is that it's actually Earth and humans have 'blown it up'.

2001: The Division Bell


The Division Bell (1994) with 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - Discovered by me early 2015


Start as "The Dawn of Man" starts to fade.  It helps to know the movie well.




-The cover of The Division Bell was described by Storm Thorgerson in his book Taken by Storm as "very imposing in their own right, majestic, elegant and monolithic." page 22.


-The apes/monkeys in the artwork and hinting at evolution in the song "Keep Talking".


-The first part of the video for Marooned is filmed in space.




The Division Bell in Pepperland


The Division Bell (1994) with Yellow Submarine(1968) - Discovered by me


Start as "Once upon a time...." appears.




-This one could be just a coincidence, but during the beginning of the movie a target (red/white circle) is above Ringo's head. There are targets for the eyes of the statues on the cover of the album.


-The Division Bell heads, as seen in the image on the top of this page, were also constructed in stone.  The Blue Meanies turn everything in Pepperland to stone.  Pink Floyd have also been attacked by the Blue meanies.


-In the "High Hopes" video, among other things, you see three tall men (walking on unseen stilts), which are reminiscent of the "Apple Bonkers" (tall Abraham Lincoln-type characters), also the statue of Syd is in "stone", similar to in the movie.

The Xanadu Bell


The Division Bell (1994) with Citizen Kane (1941) - Discovered by Andrew Wendland


Start as "An RKO Radio Picture" appears and repeat album until end.




- The crumpled-up newspapers formed into heads could refer to a "Newspaper Head"...Kane.