The Magical Mystery Tour of Oz


Magical Mystery Tour (1967) with The Wizard of Oz (1939) - Discovered by me


Start The Beatles 'Magical Mystery Tour' right as the words "The Wizard of Oz" starts to fade in. Keep the album going on repeat until the end of the movie.




Alice's Magical Mystery Tour


Magical Mystery Tour (1967) with Alice In Wonderland (1951) - Discovered by me April 2015


Start track 1 after the initial credits, when the actual movie begins with the butterfly, river, swans, etc..




- The album cover contains four 'animals', two of which are in the film; The Walrus and the Rabbit.


- "The song "I Am the Walrus" by The Beatles was inspired by Lewis Caroll's poem The Walrus and the Carpenter", which is in the book Through The Looking Glass, which again, is what Alice In Wonderland is based on.





Magical Mystery Tour Overview


   AWAY IN THE SKY, beyond the clouds, live 4 or 5 Magicians.  By casting WONDERFUL SPELLS the turn the Most Ordinary Coach Trip into a MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR.  If you let yourself go, the Magicians will take you away to marvelous places.  Maybe YOU'VE been on a MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR without even realizing it.  Are you ready to go?  SPLENDID!


The original track listing (which is used in the syncs below) is:


1. Magical Mystery Tour

2. The Fool On the Hill

3. Flying

4. Blue Jay Way

5. Your Mother Should Know

6. I Am the Walrus

7. Hello Goodbye

8. Strawberry Fields Forever

9. Penny Lane

10. Baby You're A Rich Man

11. All You Need Is Love

"Goo Goo Goo Joob."