The Magnificent Atom Heart


Atom Heart Mother (1970) with The Magnificent Seven (1960) - Discovered by Me 2004ish?


Start the album as "The Mirish Company presents" fades out and repeat.




When Roger Waters heard Dave Gilmour playing this song, he thought is sounded like the theme to an old Western The Magnificent Seven.

Atom Heart Alice


Atom Heart Mother (1970) with Alice In Wonderland (1951) - Discovered by Me Aug 25, 2020


Start the album as "Walt Disney Presents" fades out and repeat album.




Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast made me think of the tea party.

Atom Heart Zhivago


Atom Heart Mother (1970) with Dr Zhivago (1965) - Discovered by Andrew Wendland (alternate starting point by me 9/18/20)


Start the album as the first scene appears (after the overture) and repeat until the end of the movie.




