The Good Sheep, the Bad Dogs, and the Ugly Pigs


Animals (1977) with The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) - Discovered by Scott Goia


Start as the MGM lion starts fading out.  Repeat until movie ends.




-Good sheep, bad dogs, and ugly pigs.


-One definition for 'animal' is "A person who behaves in a bestial or brutish manner."

Casa De Animals


Animals (1977) with Casablanca (1942) - Discovered by Andrew Wendland


Start CD at the beginning of the Warner Brother Shield.




-"Hey you whitehouse" - In Spanish "Casablanca" means "white house".


-Humphrey Bogart died of cancer.

The Shootist Animals


Animals (1977) with The Shootist (1976) - Discovered by Me 5/30/15


Start album as "Paramount A Gulf+Western Company" starts fading out.  Repeat until movie ends.




-The main character is dying of cancer.


-One definition for 'animal' is "A person who behaves in a bestial or brutish manner."


-The cover features Battersea Power Station, which at the time was approaching the end its useful life.  Note the similarities in the film. 

The Animals' Farm


Animals (1977) with Animal Farm (1954) - Discovered by Sam


Start the album right as "Louis de Rochemont" appears.  Repeat until movie ends.




-The album is loosely based on the novel by George Orwell. -Wikipedia


-There are, if you look carefully, animals appearing in the movie.

Animals Overview


Animals was released in 1977.  "Animals is the child of a Waters concept. Loosely based on George Orwell's political fable Animal Farm, its lyrics describe various classes in society as different kinds of animals: the combative dogs, despotic ruthless pigs, and the "mindless and unquestioning herd" of sheep. Whereas the novella focuses on Stalinism, the album is a critique of capitalism and differs again in that the sheep eventually rise up to overpower the dogs. The album was developed from a collection of unrelated songs into a concept which, in the words of author Glenn Povey, "described the apparent social and moral decay of society, likening the human condition to that of mere animals"." -Wikipedia


The original track listing (which is used in the syncs below) is:


1. Pigs On the Wing 1

2. Dogs

3. Pigs (Three Different Ones)

4. Sheep

5. Pigs On the Wing 2