2001: An Amusing Odyssey


Amused To Death (1992) with 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - Discovered by Me late 2014


Start the album just as the blue MGM logo starts to fade.  Repeat until movie ends.




-The Wikipedia entry for Amused To Death states; "Waters stated in an interview with Rockline on 8 February 1993 that he wanted to use samples of HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey on the album. Stanley Kubrick, the director, turned him down on the basis that it would open the door to many other people using the sound sample. Others think that Kubrick refused because Pink Floyd had not allowed him to use music from Atom Heart Mother in his film A Clockwork Orange. Waters has since then used audio of HAL describing his mind being taken away when performing the song live (as an intro, specifically during his "In the Flesh" concert tour, after Kubrick's death)."


-The cover has an ape watching tv with a large eye shown, reminiscent of the end sequence of 2001 (Apes watching the tv supposed to be humans).


-This is a spoiler, but it also contributes to the evidence (as do all spoilers, but this is rather significant).  So, i'll add it, but it'll be the background color so any who wish to see it can just highlight here --> The opening line from Perfect Sense, Part I is taken directly from a scene in 2001; "The monkey sat on a pile of stones and stared at the broken bone in his hand."  <-- To Here.  The wiki for Perfect Sense has more evidence, though with spoilers;  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_Sense,_Part_I 



King Kong Amused To Death


Amused To Death (1992) with King Kong (1976) - Discovered by Andrew Wendland


Start the album as "Surabaya" appears.  Repeat until movie ends.




The cover has an ape watching tv with a large human eye shown.  The movie is a reverse; The huge eye is that of Kong, while the normal sized ape is a human.



Project X: Amusing Ourselves to Death


Amused To Death (1992) with Project X (1987) - Discovered by Me 7/7/15


Start the album as "To predict the performance of pilots during wartime conditions" appears.  Repeat until movie ends.




The cover of Amused to Death has a chimpanzee watching tv.  The movie is about chimps being trained to fly with the aid of a "combat videogame."