Lie Detector Test-An Intro  


First, don't reschedule or postpone a polygraph test unless you absolutely have to. Arrive on time for your test. Dress decently, as though going to a job interview. Look and act innocent. Be polite to the examiner. He has to use his judgment to decide how to interpret the results, as well as how hard to push in certain questions. You want him to like you and assume you are innocent from the start, so he doesn't try too hard to "prove" your guilt. Remember that these testers are human and their prejudices can matter.








Cooperate with the examiner, but don't volunteer more than he asks for. Some examiners will try tricks before the test starts, to determine whether you are likely hiding something. For example, he might mention that you should go to the other room and use the paper towels to dry your hands, because it makes the skin-conductivity device work better. There may be a camera in the other room, watching to see if you only pretend to wipe your hands.


















During the test the examiner may stop to ask you why you seem to be responding strongly to a certain question -- especially a control question, if you are applying physiological countermeasures. Have a seemingly spontaneous answer ready. For example, hesitate, look confused and say something like:I guess I always feel guilty when I am asked about things. My mother was a very suspicious person, and used to blame me for so many things that I felt like I had really done them. Smile and build rapport with the examiner if possible. Sit like he sits during the pre-test interview. If any other non-relevant conversation is allowed, find something you have in common and point it out ("I used to live in Florida too."). Find a reason to compliment him, but not too blatantly.