21st CCLC Coordinator: Weston Scott
(303) 982-2917, wcscott@jeffco.k12.co.us
Opportunities for Students
The 21st Century Program at Lumberg Elementary School provides a safe, structured environment for students to go after school. Students participate in fun, productive activities that improve their skills, as well as contribute to the community around them.
Meaningful Progamming for Students
21st Century
Community Learning Center
at Lumberg Elementary School
6705 W. 22nd Ave.
Edgewater, CO 80214
Some activities we offer are: OWL, Student Council, Indian Education, Abrakadoodle, Soccer for Success, Lumberg Reading Club, Alphakids, Kinder Literacy, Dance2Live, Beginning Art, Creative Writing, 3rd-6th Choir, Homework Help, 4H Robotics, Lexia Club, 5th/6th Band Orchestra, and Math Tutoring.